Hello AbFamz welcome back!!
Happy new year!!

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What skin care I’m currently using from biscosmectics
Acne solution
vitamin serum
glow oil (you must have it also good for you whole body)
lemonade face wash
face clay mask
Bisc sunscreen

Tumeric body butter
glow oil
24k gold body wash
Bisc body scrub


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  1. Buy teething rings the ones you keep in the freezer, buy a few rub his teeth with the ring.

    When you're using the teething ring put bib with rubber back on him and remove it when you're done.

  2. May God almighty bless your heart Abi for the love you demonstrate for your mother, family and others. Everything you said for one to show love and concern for their parents it's 100%correct. May God almighty bless you and your family πŸ‘ͺ. ❀❀

  3. Hello Abi ,good you are buying stuff for your mom's back pain but will advice that you check if her BP and blood sugar under control. This is because backpain maybe a systom of other health issues .So you treat the real cause rather than the symptoms.

  4. I'm busy I'm busy tonight but I have twins is five-years-old us when I saw this Queen skin she's glowing I need to order some stuff from Nigeria your skin is crazy I need I know you got mr. President over there hey mister president and all the Queen's little princesses stop and get that money get that money πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ€£πŸ€£ tell hubby l have to get that money

  5. He should wear a bib. In my day s I gave my children Ashton & Pearson teething powder. It was really effective.
    Check with the paediatrician please. πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½β€οΈ

  6. Abi you are looking so pretty your daughter is a big girl now many blessings to your family she is turning a teenager sometimes through that progress sometimes they are quite

  7. You are right my sister, you don't just vlog cooking πŸ˜‹ etc you share vital information too. Our parents are our responsibility, we are meant to show than love and care. Thank you for taking care of your family sister Abi. Glad to hear your mum's voice , she is well in Jesus name Amen. president Husni is so Happy with that new baby shark toy. Thank you sir Daddy wa. Congratulations on your new increase on your jeweries Sister ❀️ they are all girly

  8. Yeah I know I'm late to the video I'm trying to play catch-up momlife I'm quite sure you Miss Abby and anybody in the comment section y'all know where I'm coming from Mom life being a wife etc you know it it can be a very hard job lol and as far as your mom losing your father again my condolences and I know exactly where she's coming from unfortunately I lost my fiance my mother and my godsister literally everybody back-to-back one month for one person and then the next month for the next person and then it actually skipped a month only to turn right around and that following month to get hit with the third person then no sooner than I thought it couldn't get any worse it hit us again as soon as the year came in boom boom boom boom boom death after death after death of people that were close to us and it was unexpected came out of nowhereso to say that the struggle is real is a very big understatement you know and even though my fiance and myself we weren't together nowhere near as long as your mom and father is still does not mean that the love was any less or that the pain is any less you know him and I knew if each other for at least four years or better and then we end up getting together and we were together for about about two years give or take a little actually give a little LOL before he unexpectedly passed away and how it happened it was so effed up so effed up and I'm trying to keep the demons out of mybecause of how things happen so I've really been struggling with the whole thing of the loss mainly of my mother and my fiance my mother first and foremost obviously I have been lost my grandmother and even though it's been years since she's been gone the pain still hurts deeply especially when the holidays come around and their birthdays I've blocked for the most part from my mind the anniversary of their passing that's just how I cope with it it's like automatically my brain shuts down with stuff like that but yeah I'm trying to fight these inner demons of seeking revenge with the persons that played a role in the past passing of my fiance and with my mother as well and it wasn't nothing like a murder far as I know is moreso of negligencemedical personnel were very negligent with my mom and ask for my fiance people that were around that was supposed to be his best friends could have resuscitated him or try to resuscitate him while waiting for the ambulance but instead of trying to do something they just allowed his body to lay there and allowed him to just die stop breathing literally and I want so bad to find out each and every individual that was there and just seek out revenge on them but I try to keep in my mind that I have three children two of which are school-age and they need me here with them by chance I were to do something and get caught but trust you and I when I say it's hard it is hard y'all some days I don't know what to do I'm driving myself crazy trying to hold back seeking revenge but all I can do is take it one day at a time but anyways I said all of that to say this the pain is real it hurts so damn bad I would love to be able to save full heartedly that the pain will definitely for sure get better in due time but honestly I can't say that everybody is different for some people the pain does not get better and that's what drives them to do you know crazy stuff and I'm not saying it in a disrespectful way I'm just saying you know for them to like take their own life or something like they just give up on life while they may not take their own life they just start to wither away because they're so sad and soda depressed and their heart aches and yearns to be back with that person so much and so strongly that they just ultimately give up on life and their body gives in and the higher authority decides to just bring them home to himI wish you and your family nothing but the best I wish your mom nothing but the best I hope and pray it starts to get easier for her as the days go on the pain that her heart mind body and soul is feeling I so truly deeply hope that the pain gets better to where is not so much of a struggle to her like I said I understand what she's going through you know and I understand what you are going through Abby you know with losing your father I can only imagine what that's feeling like now me personally when it comes down to my biological father I have a very big heart and a forgiving heart however my biological father was never a father so by chance he was to pass away and I got wind of it I don't think that I would have a struggle with dealing with it and all honesty and I know that's bad to say but it is what it is the person that has been in my life that's my father he may not be my father biologically but he's my father and my heart mind body and soul that's who I would have a hard time coping with by chance he was to pay pass that's the person that would bring me down and tear me down that would be a hard pill to swallow but like I said my true biological father na it wouldn't be no love lost as bad as that is to say you no one will have to know the story or somewhat of the story behind our non-relationship to understand where I'm coming from with that I've done all the praying and asking the higher authority to forgive me and help me cope and understand with the fact that he was not in existence in my life but again like I said it is hard it's really hard especially when he chose to take care of another child child that wasn't even his you know and she was a big disappointment just her herself and things that she chose to do while me on the other hand things that I chose to do in my lifehe gave me a hard time for when in some cases both things would have been the same like with both of us however I would have been age-appropriate let's say that for the most part more so than her however he would excuse the s*** with her and still be there for her 100% while me he would pass it along through the family saying that he was debating if he was going to have anything to do with me well hell you wasn't having anything to do with me in the first damn place but how dare you speak those words how dare you speak ill of me but yeah anyways I'm rambling I apologize everyone again like I said I wish you all nothing but the best Abby and family and to everyone in the comments sections I wish you are nothing but the best everyone stay strong stay keeping faith and the higher authority in your heart mind body and soul again I wish everyone the best many blessings to all stay safe everyone stay blessed depending on your climate stay warm and or cool or at least try to be careful out here everyone this world is getting extremely crazy and wild so again everybody stay safe stay blessed and even though it's after-the-fact happy belated Valentine's Day LOL


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