'It's a Fleet' Multiple UFOs Caught on Camera Flying in Formation Over Skinwalker Ranch

‘It’s a Fleet’ Multiple UFOs Caught on Camera Flying in Formation Over Skinwalker Ranch

Story by Joshua Wilburn •

Newly-released video evidence has emerged, appearing to show multiple unidentified flying objects (UFOs) zooming over Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, a well-known paranormal hotbed, Knewz.com has learned.

The footage, which was captured and analyzed by a team of scientists searching for proof of alien life, showcases the moment a small moving object transforms into a fleet of synchronized unidentified aerial phenomena.

The video, featured in an episode of the History Channel show The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, reveals a meeting between the Skinwalker team and a group of Utah government officials.

During the discussion, astrophysicist Travis Taylor recounts an intriguing experiment where a rocket was fired thousands of feet into the air. Astonishingly, the rocket disappeared after just a quarter of a second, leaving the team baffled as to its whereabouts.

Based on this incident, the team suggests that the so-called time shift observed in the video footage could potentially be linked to a wormhole. Furthermore, during a drone experiment, the team collected thermo-images that unveiled a peculiar object moving in the background.

By applying a 3D filter to the thermal images, a small object’s movement becomes apparent, slowing down and breaking apart into a triangular formation.

Upon removing the 3D filter, Taylor further reveals that a fleet of UFOs was also captured in the thermal footage, indicating that they were warmer than the surrounding atmosphere.
Initially speculating that the objects may have been a flock of birds flying through the sky, Taylor is swiftly reminded that the footage was taken at night, making the presence of birds highly unlikely. Additionally, the uniform and orderly nature of the objects’ flight further contradicts the notion of them being birds.

While these findings have sparked numerous questions among the scientists involved, they have yet to arrive at a conclusive explanation for the significance of the sightings.

The release of this video evidence raises intriguing possibilities and contributes to the ongoing exploration of paranormal phenomena and the presence of extraterrestrial life.



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