It'd Take Me 10 Hours to Walk to the Venue | Capcom Cup LCQ Watchalong (Street Fighter V)

streamed Feb. 13, 2023

0:00 Officially approved re-streamer coming through
1:14 Yanoob (Menat) vs. Nemo (Urien)
5:55 Problem X (M. Bison) vs. Itazan (G)
14:34 RikemansBarnet (Menat) vs. Alex Myers (Chun-Li)
20:48 Joey (R. Mika) vs. Ryusei (Urien)
27:05 Broski (Oro) vs. Nemo (Urien)
33:21 Filipinoman (Rose) vs. Itazan (G)
42:00 Tokido (Luke) vs. RikemansBarnet (Menat)
48:42 Kichipa (Alex) vs. Shuto (Urien)
58:18 Zhen (M. Bison) vs. Gachikun (Rashid)
1:07:10 Broski (Oro) vs. Joey (R. Mika)
1:18:51 Tokido (Luke) vs. Itazan (G)
1:26:53 Kichipa (Alex) vs. Joey (R. Mika)
1:35:30 Gachikun (Rashid) vs. Tokido (Luke)
1:53:05 Shuto (Urien) vs. Zhen (M. Bison)
2:04:25 Kichipa (Alex) vs. Gachikun (Rashid)

Footage via Capcom Fighters:

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Editing/Thumbnail by Magic Moste:

#FGC #Sajam #SFV #CCIX


23 thoughts on “It'd Take Me 10 Hours to Walk to the Venue | Capcom Cup LCQ Watchalong (Street Fighter V)”

  1. I get that people want to praise 6 for the things it's doing well, but the soundtrack is definitely one of its weakest points at the moment.

    I saw someone on Twitter say it was with DLC/expansions where past Street Fighter titles got to have amazing soundtracks, but that's just not true.

  2. Someone help me understand why Rashid gets great corner carry, great high-low mix, free corner escapes, air actions, and great combo damage.

    His neutral's not bad, right? Is there anything he can't do/that he loses to?

    EDIT: Tokidoooo ;_;

  3. I prefer 6's OST alot more since alot of V's is alot of remixes and very samey songs. there are alot of good stuff but SF6 has way more of a unique character to it that sets it apart while SFV feels like keeping it safe to not make make oldheads mad. People always forget that it takes alot of this music a good amount of time for anything to actually be considered "memorable"
    SFVs soundtrack has been out for years and years but SF6 isn't even released and you can never remove the connection of peoples experience with the game and its OST.

  4. I think the problem with SFVI's soundtrack is that so many of the tracks seem like they were composed to fade into the background more easily or otherwise be as unintrusive as possible. Even now I can barely remember what most of the tracks sound like without going to look them up. Contrast that with "RAAAASHIIIDOOOOOO", and yeah.

  5. I miss Sajam doing SFV commentary…
    SFV OST is really good, so many great tracks, oro theme, gill theme, sagat stage, ring of power, the cpt stage Tokido won on (he name escapes me atm), Falke theme, just to name a few. Too early to tell for 6 enough tracks aren't out yet

  6. Alex's legs are a reference to the original shoto idle stances from SFII. They wanted to signify that he's the new protagonist, but show that there's a bit of the original spirit in there somewhere, this was their weird way of doing it. It looks better with the way it's rendered in 3S, in 3D it just looks terrible.


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