It was just SO random! Totally out of NOWHERE!

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2487 S. Gilbert Rd,
Ste 106 – 167
Gilbert, AZ 85295

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49 thoughts on “It was just SO random! Totally out of NOWHERE!”

  1. There was an X 5.7 yesterday. The energy made it to the surface. The moment the shockwave of energy hit I felt momentarily like I was going to lose consciousness. It was pointed nearly right at us also.

  2. Speaking of Suns the upper peninsula woke to a beautiful/scary red sun. Could look right at it. Smoke was heavy yezterday obviously today (7/15) will be bad also.
    Tried to take picture with phone but came out white like a full moon. 🙁

  3. Yes it is a star,
    i point it out in almost every other video the last few weeks, yet you usually insinuate its a craft, sometimes they move fast, sometimes slow sometimes they don't move, sometimes they're solid1color, others are tumbling spinning color changing, they are light orbs, the exact same as stars n planets, see for yourself search YouTube amateur astronomy with p900 camera, nasa is fraudulent and you are being dishonest

  4. I live in central NY. Nuair out of Griffiss base is a Drone testing facility ,and has a 60 x30 mile air space to test in ,and yes watching these videos sent in i believe alot of them are Drones.

  5. I’ve heard rolling thunder since last year that goes on and on for minutes at a time when it storms. Almost sounds like a giant walking in the clouds from one side to the other.

  6. I'm in Ireland, and saw about 5-6 flashing blue lights above the tree line of the night sky about 10 nights ago. They went from left to right at a decent rate.

  7. 9:00 – This could be a commercial drone. If a commercial drone impacts controlled airspace, there will be authorities checking on it. Aircraft safety is very important. If this object is over or near an airport, then this sighting is very much identified. However, drones don't normally have enough power to light themselves up like that. Saying in military aircraft "everything affects mission" – powering a bright light reduces flight time, and drone missions tend to focus on flight time.

  8. Just had to tell someone, my daughter, her friend and I were driving down 275 West bound in Hebron Ky and we saw in broad daylight a ufo that was not an airplane nor helicopter, it was disk shaped with protruding objects on each side flying very low but not fast wish I could’ve taken a video or pic of it!!! Anyways it was an interesting topic to talk about on our travels, did anyone else see this yesterday, July 15 th , 2023 around 7:40 pm ??? It was really strange!! 🤷🏻‍♀️

  9. @chrisacosta. Grew up across lake from Carswell JRB, can tell you first hand some very very odd stuff happened there from the earliest days I can remember… I have no doubt that it happens everywhere but being that close to that place, having family who worked for defense contractors there… this world is def not what we’ve been led to believe. Stay safe.

  10. @MrMBB333 I seen these go right over my house seen them coming in from South mountain area I live off Thomas rd & 44 th St area they were evenly spaced apart didn’t not hear anything at all .

  11. When you point out the north east part of the sun .it is actually west what you are showing us ,so are we looking at a reversed image . thanks Davidm2924

  12. N Hamptonshire? Somebody go out and check for crop circles! Lol

    That’s kind of a hotspot for them, if I remember right. Also, if there is a new one, somebody get some soil samples at various distances from center and send to Marshall Dudley of Tennelec/Nucleus, if he’s still around. 🤔

  13. The object in the sky in Aus was seen across the whole country dont know if it was one craft quickly moving across the country and checking out the citites or if we had multiple crafts above the country.

  14. 4 asteriods are passing the earth by between 5 million and the closest by 1.2 million miles away. Closest asteroid approach will be on the 18th of July.

  15. Sslut sa va where the wild fire his in some place in canada his there place they fine bigs mine .mmm so his there three and forest is gone thad wide open to excave that mmm good day


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