It Was Holding The Bear Up By His Head

This is a wild account.
DNA study link here,

#sasquatch #bigfoot #yeti #sabe #almas #skookum #britishcolumbia #vancouverisland #howtohunt #hunting #fishing #hiking #camping


33 thoughts on “It Was Holding The Bear Up By His Head”

  1. People at the roundtable Judy from Washington again, after you you listen and watch Steve‘s video, go and watch avatar. That movie was written by a little boy he said it just came to him in his dream. I believe That little boy was taken and shown where we came from yes. I was gonna tell people to watch Wally but we’re not gonna go there. People of the round table from this day forth our world is going to start healing. If you don’t on the movie go buy it avatar. Thank you Judy from

  2. Interesting story from poppa Smurf about that cotton candy cord. I'm not sure but I've read that cord is called "The Silver Cord". It is an invisible Silver Cord that is attached to the soul, which means that your soul mate st return back to your body. If it's missing / or cut off then your soul is allowed to move forward into another dimension or heaven. All this info. is on YT NEXT LEVEL SOUL. All about NDE (near death experiences). More about the TRUTH that we're not supposed to know about.

  3. I look at life like I started my life the minute the doctor slapped me on my ass so death is nothing to fear. Because of the day I came in😢this world was th😢day I started to died

  4. War and crime only happens because we allow it. Same with the filthy governments controlling all the good people. Think about that knowledge for awhile.


  5. Are you talking about his wildlife videography at the beginning of his videos?
    Of course I’d vote for him, but my vote doesn’t “count”! The vote is either in Hollywood or in somewhere in Canada.
    And you know his politics counts more than his talents

  6. The creek sabe encounter cracks me up and is one of my favorite shares so far. 😅 goes to show just how many human like traits we share together and how these beings possibly understand humor.

  7. Yeah here in Canada we've got some serious problems but I watch what's happening in the States and it makes me want to cry. We deal with continuous bold-face lies and get sent to jail for speaking out against it, it's tyranny my good man, tyranny. Some great stories today, thanks for sharing folks. I would hope you've seen the video from Scott Carpenter where he wears the camera facing behind him, it's quite something. Anyhow I'll chime in later, take care and God Bless.

  8. It is sad that now I read they want to put a law in Canada about that any element of those that don´t consider themselves men or women can sue anyone for $20.000 dollars if there´s an argument they consider against them. I mean the worst thing right now it seems to be straight in the so called developed world.

    I wanted to stay in the island in 2010 but if these laws finally come out I guess I was lucky to go back to my country.

    Thanks for sharing and stay safe and out from those crazy situations.

  9. Can't stress enough how much I appreciate all who share their experiences with Big Cousin, and the time you and David and Ms Ketchum have dedicated to understanding our relationship with one-another. It's a puzzler to anyone who has no thought to this fragile balance we're a part of, but those who know the value of simple ways and means seem to get it. Don't ever fear them, it turns a moment of understanding and learning into another sh:tshow. Respect their place in this tapestry, they respect ours, otherwise they would have pulled the rug out from under a long time ago. And hang a bag of apples off-trail once in a while, small gifts open massive doors.
    Blessed and safe Easter to the whole family. 🇺🇸🇨🇦♥️
    P.S. don't fear the change. Prepare for it. And stand as far back as possible. Can't smite properly if y'all keep mixing it up with ass-clowns. 😉

  10. I refuse to step foot in a woods if it’s windy!!!!
    Deer hunting as a kid, hearing tree branches breaking, & trees crashing down as I attempted to stay planted as a storm came through. Never again, as I was hit by some twigs & small branches as I eventually realized retreat now or never!
    Reaching the open field was such a relief, I vowed never again!
    I’d rather go without filling my tag, than attempt to go through that 💩 again!!!!
    Windy or thunderstorms, I stay home!!!! Screw that!!!!!!!!! Live to fight another day.

    The American dollar may be about to crash!!!! Lunatic leaders that appear suicidal, are selling us out for the false promise they will be given a seat at the table for their betrayal, not realizing their payment won’t be what they thought!!!!
    We are most definitely in a spiritual warfare currently, & all souls being fought over, things noticeably ramping up because those evil ones know their time is rapidly running out. Studying biblical prophecy gives a much clearer picture of what goes on behind the scenes, & hidden behind their smokescreen.

  11. God Bless the man who stopped hunting, one step at a time! I have never felt that fear, that Steve talks about. I would hate to give up The Great North woods in New Hampshire. ❤️🙏👣

  12. I literally can't stop myself from watching Steve's video's. The stories he shares with us are so informative and mean so much to me to hear. I wish that I could meet him in person and shake his hand. Steve is the kind of man that would be the best friend to have in your corner while we all are dealing with the shit show from the tyrants.

  13. From the viewers right & to Steve’s left under the Moose antler looks like 2-glowing amber eyes. Is this your attempt at a mimicry of a Sa’be’s eyes? Kinda freaks me out looking at those eye-like orbs/eyes! 😆 Some really interesting shares this episode!

  14. That’s a thumper “Bobcat”, for here in Missouri. One of the biggest “Bob’s”, I’ve ever mounted/taxidermyed was a male that measured 36” inches from nose to the base of the stump tail. Biggest one I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a few over the years.

  15. Everyone needs to have already had in place their very own “Alamo”, so you can just make a phone call to those of your immediate family and/or friends so when the moment comes, you call them and say 1-word……..”Alamo”, and the people you call know exactly what it means, where to go and how fast to get there! I’m ready for my own “Alamo”, at a moments notice! I suggest everyone out there in the “Club of No Return”, be ready to head to THEIR personal Alamo at any second!


  17. what papa Smurf says is true, mostly but I have some of my own theories with some of the details papa Smurf speaks of. he is talking about the Arcons that rule the physical realm and recycle the souls back to the physical realm 3rd dimension an endless perpetual cycle until like papa Smurf said we gather enough knowledge and understanding to break free of the loop…there is so much to know and understand about our existence…


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