Israel Strikes Syria's Defense, But Got SHOCKED After The Counter Attack Because of $ Billion Weapon

In a dramatic turn of events, Israel’s recent airstrike on Syrian defense installations took an unexpected twist. This video provides a comprehensive analysis of the strategic strike and the shocking counter-attack that ensued. We delve into the details of the billion-dollar weapon system that Syria employed, its origins, capabilities, and the strategic implications for Israel and the broader region. What motivated Israel’s initial strike, and how did Syria manage to respond so effectively? This video unpacks the complex dynamics of this high-stakes aerial confrontation, offering insights into the military strategies and geopolitical ramifications of this significant event.

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17 thoughts on “Israel Strikes Syria's Defense, But Got SHOCKED After The Counter Attack Because of $ Billion Weapon”

  1. These is USA fault. It keeps on supporting Israel even israel is Wrong. Now these ARAB Countries and Moslem will All Bond Together and Israel and The West will definitely be Defeated.

  2. Unfortunately the narrator is ignorant of why Israel bombed Syria . For one thing Syrian airports are used to send in ammunition , rockets and missles from Iran . For another missles were launched at different locations in Syria to Israel .

  3. Facts about Israel:

    About 9.4 million live in country

    About 4.5 million around the world

    SMARTEST people in the world (Most FIELD/NOBEL medal in mathematics and other areas root from Jews)

    Most young Israeli registered in Army to protect their country (Over million) and they're ready.

    Developed country became one of strongest in the world.

    Provide world intelligence to US. Importantly Middle East.

    Had lost over 6 million under Hitler but still survive strong.

    Only Country given by GOD to survive holocausts' and become smartest weapon's builder in the WORLD.

    Only country able to read their written language for over 9000 years.

    Expert in fighting terrorist groups in Middle East of aLL TYPES AND SIZES

    Powerful lazer weapon at the speed of light (intercept objects like RPG, rockets etc. in less than 2 seconds)

    Benjamin Netanyahu declared:

    "This is war between Israel and Hamas. We follow the world war convention and we have right to protect our people and our nation.

    So any country who supports Hamas and have intention to interfere or fight us, we have over 350 nuclear heads ready to launch anywhere.

    any place in the world and in addition number of H-bombs will be deploy to key countries."

    Who started bombing, murder children, and innocent people first? Hamas and highly Hezbollah

    Who funds their weapon? Iran

    How? Through many illegal businesses.

    US fund 6 billion to Iran then Iran they gave Hamas 3 billion. Simillar Ukraine.

    Is that an act of war? YMF! Don't be dumb f*ck

    What happened to Hamas? Oh, ran like f*cking dog currently.

    Gaza is NOT a dense population like FAKED story phony crab.

    What to do with Gaza? Move innocent people out then wipe Hamas and other terrorist groups off the map.

    How about other countries want to fight Israel? Oh f*ck! Rember 1936-1948? They're all f*cked up then so bring them on now.

    Palestinians will not leave Gaza and want to be a shield for terrorist? Let them sacrify your sh!t head.

    Clinton, Obama, Biden, and DEMs are committed TREASON (Funded enemy Iran and received kick back money from Iran (American people tax money actually)


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