Israel-Hamas war: What could a ground offensive look like?

It’s anticipated that Israel will launch a full ground offensive into Gaza in the near future but what would that look like?

Sky’s Military Analyst Professor Michael Clarke assesses the options on the table for Israel’s Defence Forces.

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33 thoughts on “Israel-Hamas war: What could a ground offensive look like?”

    1. Houti fired Iranian scuds
    2. Hezbollah ready to open second front if”Israel enters Gaza..
    3. Shia militia in Iraq/Syria attacked US.bases in Middle East..
    4. Hamas trenched inside Gaza with extensive underground tunnels
    5. West-bank riots……
    6. Upcoming Iranian nuclear tests…Iran waiting for Israel / United-States to reveal their hand first!!
    7. Lack of leadership from Saudi Arabia
    8. Putin declaring Russia will help Iran with nuclear umbrella..if United States or Israel attacks Iran!!
    9. Iran president welcomed Russian nuclear weapons from Belarus to Tehran
    10. Chinese president Xi declaring he will support the Russian / Iran economy with yuan nominal exchange…
    Conclusion: Israel needs to be extremely careful NOT to light the fire..militarily Israel can beat the Palestinians to a pole BUT the bigger damage will be done to the UNITED STATES BY CHINA🇨🇳..if enough countries start exchanging their goods with the Chinese yuan and start holding YUAN foreign reserves…America cannot remain the dominant super-power if half the world 🌎 start trading with AMERICA’S ARCH RIVAL CHINA-YUAN!! Ultimately America is giving the Chinese Communist Party a free pass…..TO STEAL CLIENTS!! once the central banks switch….it will be hard to get them back 🤔🤔🇨🇳

  2. What are the differences between islamic muslim arabic and jewish?

    Islam is a monotheistic religion that originated in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7th century CE. It is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who is believed to be the last prophet of God. Muslims believe in one God, Allah, and follow the teachings of the Quran, which they believe to be the word of God.

    Muslim is a term used to describe a follower of Islam. Muslims come from all over the world and represent a wide range of ethnicities and cultures.

    Arabic is a language spoken by over 420 million people worldwide. It is the official language of 25 countries, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Morocco. Arabic is also the language of the Quran, the holy book of Islam.

    Jewish is an ethnoreligious group who share a common ancestry and religious tradition. Judaism is the world's oldest monotheistic religion, dating back over 3,500 years. Jews believe in one God, Yahweh, and follow the teachings of the Torah, which they believe to be the word of God.

    Here's a table summarizing the key differences:

    Islam A monotheistic religion based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad

    Muslim A follower of Islam

    Arabic A language spoken by over 420 million people worldwide

    Jewish An ethnoreligious group who share a common ancestry and religious tradition

    It is important to note that these terms are not mutually exclusive. For example, there are many Arab Muslims, and there are also Jewish people who speak Arabic.

    As of 2023, the world's "core" Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 16.1 million, 0.2% of the 8 billion worldwide population!

    There are about 7 million Jews in Israel surrounded by hundreds of millions of Muslims in the Middle East…

    The Middle East-North Africa region, which includes 20 countries and territories, is home to an estimated 315 million Muslims, or about 20% of the world's Muslim population. Of these, approximately 79 million live in Egypt, meaning that about one-in-four (25%) Muslims in the region live in Egypt.

    Why can't some Muslims accept Israel as a State.?

    I think it is because the Palestinians do not even have a State.

    Therfore giving the Palestinians a State would give peace to the Israelies for very obvious reasons.

    The USA and the West do not seem to want to give the Palestinians Statehood and a Country called Palestine…..

    Why is that?

  3. The issue of recognizing Palestinian statehood and creating a separate Palestinian state is a contentious one. While many countries and international bodies have recognized the State of Palestine, achieving full statehood and sovereignty has proven difficult due to the ongoing conflict and disputes over territory. The United States, for example, has historically supported Israel and has not always endorsed Palestinian statehood at the same level as it has supported Israel.

    Efforts to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict continue through negotiations, peace initiatives, and international diplomacy, but finding a comprehensive and lasting solution remains a formidable challenge. The ultimate goal is to establish a two-state solution, with Israel and a viable, independent Palestine coexisting side by side in peace and security, but reaching that goal has proven to be elusive.

  4. The nearest to Peace in Palestine was when Yasser Arafat was in power.

    Unfortunately he died?…and did not get his wish of a Palestinian state.

    Yasser Arafat and the Middle East….

    Founding of the PLO: Arafat was one of the co-founders of the PLO in 1964, an organization established to represent the Palestinian people in their quest for an independent state. The PLO was initially formed to address the issue of Palestinian refugees and their right of return.

    Guerrilla Warfare: Arafat and the PLO gained international attention in the 1960s and 1970s through their use of guerrilla warfare and acts of terrorism, such as airplane hijackings and attacks against Israeli targets. This led to increased international awareness of the Palestinian cause.

    Oslo Accords: In the 1990s, Arafat engaged in peace negotiations with Israel, which eventually led to the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993. The accords resulted in the establishment of the Palestinian National Authority, with Arafat as its first president, and the partial withdrawal of Israeli forces from parts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

    Controversial Leadership: Arafat's leadership was marked by controversy. He was both revered by Palestinians as a symbol of their struggle for statehood and criticized by some for his autocratic style of governance and alleged support for violence.

    Camp David Summit: In 2000, a summit at Camp David between Arafat, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, and U.S. President Bill Clinton failed to produce a final peace agreement, contributing to renewed violence in the region, known as the Second Intifada.

    Death and Legacy: Yasser Arafat died in November 2004 under disputed circumstances in a French military hospital. His death has led to various conspiracy theories, but the official cause of death was a stroke. Arafat's legacy remains a subject of debate, with some viewing him as a symbol of Palestinian resistance and others criticizing his leadership and the failure to achieve a lasting peace agreement.

  5. Dear Mzlms,

    Quit islam, Save humanity , No discussions needed.

    Native Americans/African Tribes/Pagan people – kurds, yezidis , vikings, ..etc too were oppressed but

    No trr from Native Americans/African Tribes/Pagan people WHY ?? izlaam causes trr

  6. They can't handle the truth and they know secretary general is talking the truth. For more than 70 years of pain from Israel America and Britain plus the UK and all the white run countries

  7. Cant get enough of Prof Clarky's satirical views on all things millitary. Insightful, erudite and with an utterly complete lack of any bias what so ever, wonderful stuff


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