Israel declares state of war after surprise attack from Hamas

Israel has declared a state of war after a surprise attack launched by Hamas.

Dozens of gunmen from the Palestinian militant group have infiltrated southern Israel from the Gaza Strip and fired thousands of rockets as far north as Tel Aviv.

It is one of the most serious escalations in years between Israel and Hamas, which rules Gaza.

Palestinian militants in Gaza launched dozens of rockets at Israel, setting off air raid sirens across the country.

Gaza residents say they heard armed clashes along the separation fence with Israel, and saw significant movement of armed fighters.


25 thoughts on “Israel declares state of war after surprise attack from Hamas”

  1. And some wonder why, I have an issue with Muslims. It doesn't matter what sect they belong too. They have a bloody ideology. Their policy is that of any non-Muslim is fair game. They have no problem taking innocent lives. They did it on 911 and they are still doing it to this day. Evil personified.
    But this I know; they will not win this war. And every innocent man, woman and precious child, whose life they took, will be required at their hands. Those souls will be vindicated. I decree this in the name of the Most High G D. We stand with Israel. We support Israel.
    Those who are rejoicing and dancing over this atrocity shall weep over their children. This is pure evil. Imagine the massive killing of innocent children. Shame on you Hamas. Make no mistake the Great G D Almighty is watching.

  2. 5 Americans could be freed from Iran for $6 billion in frozen assets

    Five American citizens don't forget America just unfroze Iran assets not to long ago that should be investigated on

  3. Kaisa mare ghus ghus ke 😂😂hao jii baa gand mar diye Israel ke logo ki beta alhamdulillah 🤨 Palestine ka bacha bacha tum haram khoro ko jahannum me pubchane k liye kafi hai

  4. Palestine started a NEW war after attacking Israel right after Israel's declaration of INDEPENDENCE May 14th, 1948.

    Palestinian Arabs in attacked the former (stolen) territory. Arabs launched an air attack on Tel Aviv, which the Israelis resisted.

  5. No half-measures this time, Israel.

    I'm no fan of Israel at all and Ive long supported a free Palestinian state – but Hamas left none of us any other option and doomed every man, woman and child still in the strip.

    End it. The world is going to look the other way on this one.

  6. End US aid to WAR mongers . Israel and Saudi Arabia are mass murdering terrorist states. Moral people cannot have ANYTHING to do with them. They must be rejected from participating in the civilized world. They are against Freedom of speech. Freedom of expression, Freedom of religion. Freedom of press. Freedom of petition, Freedom of assembly… They are segregationist entities of evil.

    Bone saws and bombs are all they know.

  7. if Jews wanted my sympathy against Arabs, maybe they shouldn't subverted every government that rules over my race and pushed replacement migration and "multiculturalism" to make my country more hospitable to Jews.

  8. Palestinians by and large are incapable of this, as are Iranians, clashing as it does violently with their temperament and their ethics. Barring that is the few dregs sniffed out and trained worldwide for ongoing terrorist antics by Western Zionists who are old hands at this….

    We’ve seen this before time and again when Zionists attacked their own people to implement a certain agenda such as instigate an exodus of Jews out of the Arab countries while scoring propaganda points….

    This latest attack on Israelis was most certainly staged by Israel via its usual smorgasbord of terrorism, Hollywood stagecraft, and propaganda as an excuse to throw out Palestinians who are now sitting ducks for disenfranchisement and extermination to make way for Israel’s long planned annexation of the West Bank while signing a so-called peace agreement with Saudi Arabia without conceding an iota….

    Hamas after all is the creation and instrument of Israel just as all of the world’s terrorist organisations were created by and answer to Israel….

    Not to mention Israel’s larger geopolitical aim at destabilizing the region and the world so as to slow down China and the BRICS Plus Six momentum along with their concomitant worldwide consolidation, not least by Africa, who is now standing up to an imperialism that when the layers are peeled can be seen as really only Israeli Zionism’s sugar daddy….

    The trouble for Zionism is it has been using the same tired old strategies and tactics worldwide time and again for decades now, indeed centuries, so we are so on to them….

    Let us the ever growing global counterbalance to the Zionist West’s megalomaniacal dreams of enslavement of all others through world mastery therefore not just react but keep taking the initiative to replace this primitive blood-soaked kleptocratic misanthropy….

  9. The Arthur Balfour Declaration, The Transfer Agreement or Haavara Agreement and more! And Israel thinks they are the victims? Who invaded who?

    We, Mexicans on 1862, 5000 badly armed men were able to defeat the most powerful army in the world, France… Surely Palestine can regain its freedom.

  10. What do the innocent helpless people of Gaza have to do with Hamas’s actions, anyway?

    Especially when Hamas is in fact an Israeli construct used to oppress Gazans on Israel’s behalf much as Israel uses local puppets to loot and oppress Africa and many others all over the world….

    This unspeakable evil is yet another Mossad-hatched Arab Spring paving the way for the further dispossession of the Palestinian people and the annexation of the West Bank….

    Listen carefully to the Israeli drivel at the UN about this so-called attack on Israel by Hamas and assess its sincerity if you have doubts….

    Israel is the world’s Jeffrey Dahmer multiplied countlessly….

  11. LOL.. hilarious ..

    Imagine occupying a population blockading their movement .. cutting all of their supplies off .. periodically bombing them in "cutting the grass" exercices.. then asking people to believe you are the victim .. .. the world knows EXACTLY whats happening thankfully no one needs to listen to the lies of the likes of Murdoch propaganda everyone with a brain allready did their own research and knows the truth


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