Is Today's WWE The BEST It's Ever Been?


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24 thoughts on “Is Today's WWE The BEST It's Ever Been?”

  1. TSO, love the video. But that British dude had a few caps for a example with the Cody Rhodes over Seth Rollins, nah man. Seth Rollins is currently over than Cody, both guys gets a big reaction however, Seth's pop is a little bit more pop than Cody. Especially, when it comes to their theme music. Right when the match is already starting the crowd is still singing Seth's WWWWOOOO theme.

  2. Another cap from the British dude is the gimmick ppv's. If you notice he skipped the Money in the Bank ones. The infamous CM Punk vs. Cena match in 2011, or The Dean Ambrose cash in on his Shield member Seth Rollins after Seth defated Roman in 2016, I could go on that was memorable moments on that gimmick ppv. (But at the same time it is debatable)

  3. Also post 2012, the best years of WWE was between 2016-2018. Peak of Womens wrestling and peak post sheild breakup era with some ruthless agression stars still in the mix 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️

  4. Batista left then undertaker left…jeff matt kelly kelly aj lee paige kain…sincara past sheamus…christian with that kill switch…john morission spelled it wrong…umaga..mark henry and big show

  5. One thing I will say is that I have to give wwe some slack for the pandemic era (2020-2021) cause wrestling in general wasn’t the same during those years, but those 2019 segments were absolutely horrible. The 2020 ones were a hit or miss imo, like the firefly fun house was amazing during the pandemic and they had some funny pandemic era segments but there were a lot of cringy and bad segments as well, gotta give them slack for trying to be innovative

  6. After ruthless aggression era, of course PG Era sucked but sponsorship & politics after the Chris Benoit are the reason WWE had to go all kiddie kiddie for a long ass time.
    But then in 2011 rolled around and while Raw was still boring as hell at that time, of course Smackdown was cool as always but then CM Punk stepped up with his pipe bomb and it was amazing TV. Made him sound less like a great mic guy talking WWE promo stuff like Cena or Rock or Flair and more like a real life guy airing out his real life grievances with the company.
    When Punk speaks it almost always sounds legitimate. Guys like MJF have tried to replicate that legitimacy ( and he's good) but not quite hit that at bthat level yet as it still sounds more like a promo than just a guys saying what's really on his mind.

    Brock Lesnar then came through is 2012 and beat the dog s#!t out of Cena the way no one in WWE history had been beaten up, further legitimizing the product. For a while Punk & Lesnar made Raw feel less like just WWE going through the motions and more like must see TV that took effort and thought.

    Of course Rollins in 2014 also made Raw amazing when he turned heel for the first time putting on his best performances to date.

  7. As far as popularity the late 90s and early 00s clears this era. But it’s gon up from a in ring standpoint. It’s started with the Smackdown 6 in the ruthless aggression era, took kinda a dip around the pg era, in ring and storyline wise but when NXT became the black and gold brand and they brought in Indy stars it got way better in ring and creatively

  8. Better Baby Faces that Cody:

    2022 Sami
    Daniel Bryan
    King Slayer Seth
    Kori Mania

    No matter how over Cody is I still wish it was Sami or Jey that beats Roman. Daniel Bryan had niggas in a chokehold. When Seth beat Triple H, I heard one of the greatest pop offs of all time. Kofi Mania is the best alternate route we’ve had when someone got injured. Cody can’t stay healthy and with how long they want to play this Roman thing…it’ll get old.


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