Is this Chaos Knight unkillable? Warhammer 40k

Chaos Knights got complicated. Many things can be layered on top of the data sheets and one such build is pretty unkillable. How about a knight with 26 wounds that cannot be hit on 1-3, you cannot re-roll hits, wounds and damage, with a 4++ a 5+ shrug and heals itself every turn?

Well, there is always Tau!

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44 thoughts on “Is this Chaos Knight unkillable? Warhammer 40k”

  1. The problem with the build is the warlord trait that gives it the d3 healing and +2 wounds is locked to an Infernal Household, but the invuln relic is Iconoclast locked

  2. Going on from what similar articles I've seen about GWE releasing models with super stats & or rules only to be revised 6 months or so later. Bad idea what ever happened to using a bit of common sense and actualy having rules for it that fit in with the game from the start without having to then redo the rules due to the next best thing has just came out that there trying to sell to people who are only interested in having the hardest killy killing thing in their army thats hard to defeat.

    As the way I'm looking at it not everyone will be upto date with all the rules at any given time especially when it come to tournaments and will prob cause more argument or a judges ruling

  3. With the massive amount if mortal wounds the armies these day put out, this knight isn't that hard to kill. It's one knight in an army too. It's not like your whole army is like this

  4. Is this Chaos Knight unkillable? If you manage to get 4 squads (600pts) of conscripts (depending on your rolls) to shoot at that thing with FRSRF the pure volume of fire provided by the HOTE rule, even discounting re-rolls could take that thing down. So no, it's not unkillable, just incredibly resistant to AT weaponry.
    120×4 shots wounding on 6s, without re-rolls,
    that's 76 auto wounds
    That's on a 3+ save for 58 wounds and a 4+ for 20 because of shock troops giving lasguns AP-1.
    So saving you'd save 39 + 10 wounds + 9 , meaning 20 would still get through.
    So now adding normal hits, we'd get 6 extra wounds go through both the save and the feel no pain
    Meaning you'd have STATISTICALLY exactly enough firepower to take it down in lasguns. If no it's bracket would make it easy pickings for a Russ or Manticore, or even lascannons (since they're free now) or EVEN MORE CONSCRIPTS if you're running a purely conscript army

  5. Just as a heads up, you wouldn't be able to take the 4+ invul relic on this build, as that's locked to iconoclast house knights, and the house you picked for the warlord traits and strats is an infernal house. still, if you have 2 CP to burn per phase you can just use the Diabolic bulwark strat to give yourself a 4++.

  6. its very killable by blood angles. I one shot knights pretty frequently with 300ish points of models. Hell last game I played I one shot a lord of skulls and a knight on my first turn.

  7. Seeing this. Really makes me wish Abominatus would make mention of the Abominatus titan of Khorne.
    I mean. Come on GW… Its an Imperator titan of Khorne… Its Dwarfs other Imperator class titans in the Imperium! Its not exactly something that just disappears! lmao

  8. The relic won’t work since it’s an iconoclast thing and the knight is infernal, but you could just use the infernal relic that gives a 2+ shrug against daemonic surge damage, allowing you more safely take the D3 MW and choose daemonic fortitude so you can’t be wounded on less than a 4, then on top of that you can just spend 2 CP to for diabolic bulwark for the 4++.

  9. So I was planning on including one IK in a Freeblade detachment to a Sororitas army, but reading the rules for the Houses of IKs it states clearly that Freeblade units do not gain a House. I have checked the Chaos Knights codex and it is the same for them. The dreadblades do not receive benefits of households. Also the Harbringers of Dread only triggers if every unit from your army hast the Chaos Knight keyword, so they won't activate either. The only thing which I believe is different from the Imperial Knights is that the paid upgrades are elegible for a dreadblade (as oposed to freeblades).

    So if I'm correct (and correct me if I'm not) the dreadblade included into another chaos army wouldn't be as unkillable as one included in a pure CK army, right?

  10. my guy please please buy a tripod, your videos are good and I watch them while building models but I end up turning some of them off because of the shakey cam, again the content of your videos is fantastic, but shakey cam is really lowing the over all appeal of your videos.

  11. you cannot, actually, make dreadblades come from houses. it specifically says that dreadblades cant take the bound vassals or infamous heredity fell bonds

  12. I love ya man but the Favor of the Dark Mechanicum is a Infernal warlord trait and the relic Veil of Medrengard is Iconoclast. You cant mix them but you can keep the Iconoclast Veil relic choose the Iconoclast house Herpetrax gain 4 extra max wounds and choose the warlord trait Warp Haunted Hull to get an extra deny and a 5+ feel no pain to psychic attacks. Or go Infernal keep the Dark Mechanicum Warlord trait and give him the Soul Raptor Swarm to give him a 4+ against Mortal wounds and also lets him heal 1 wound every time a model flees from him. Spend another CP to make him an Arch Tyrant and give him the extra warlord trait Aura of Terror to help with his healing during the enemy moral phase. He still would be a tank what ever way you go with him! Thanks for the awesome content as always. Your Knights look sick! I wish I could send ya pics of my Knight Army. lol

  13. How do you give a Dreadblade a Relic and Trait? Battlescribe wont allow it. Codex says it can be a character as a Super Heavy Auxillary if its a Combat Patrol game only. When playing a Strike Force mission a Dreadblade can't get the Character keyword therefore cannot be given a Relic or Trait….. am I correct?

  14. I think this review is a bit of a jaded reaction to one model in a low model count army that is nowhere near as unkillable as this video makes it out to be because there is an overpowered army out there that does all these things on every model.

    The model is fine. Both Knight codices are by far the most balanced thing to come out of Nottingham in a LONG time.

  15. My experience with "unkillable" units is that they always die turn 1.

    More seriously, I tried running the "unkillable" lord of change for a few tournaments back near the beginning of 9th. He almost never survived the game and was rarely worth the points. The amount of damage flying around and ignore invulnerable saves, even back then, meant he was lucky to make it to turn 3. I foresee the same thing for this guy.

  16. I have 1st hand experience that indeed it can be killed.

    My first game with a Knight Abominant was 1500pts vs. Death Guard. I went with House Lucaris, Blessing of the Dark Master, Winds of the Warp/Spitesquall.

    I lost initiative so no Winds of the Warp, but I did use Diabolic Bulwark (I didn't roll any Saves of 4 though). It was targeted by two Plague Burst Crawlers and a Deathstar of Blightlord Terminators which nearly backeted it before it was even able to act.

    During my turn, Winds of the Warp was denied. I turned all my weapons onto the 8 Blightlords to thin their numbers, as my opponent practically had their whole army to be carried by them in design. I nearly got 3 of them but Plague Surgeon. However, I did manage to charge a gaggle of Poxwalkers, which unlocked the 2nd part of Dark Master, to get me nearby and on an objective.

    The Death Guard player fell back with the remaining Poxwalkers, from my Favor of the Dark Master Abominant. The Death Guard had it down to 4 wounds at the end of their Psychic/Shooting phase. And more than enough Blightlords to finish in melee with a still favorable charge if they failed their Dread test.

    And the Blightlords did indeed finish-off my Knight Abominant. Which I promptly used Spiteful Demise to auto-explode in a 10" radius. Hitting the Blightlords, Sergeon, Tallyman, Putrifier, the remaining Poxwalkers and a squad of Deathshroud that Deep Struck nearby but failed to charge. Dealing 5 MW to most of them, with only the Putrifier getting off easy with a single Mortal Wound.

    And that was basically the game, as I demolished my opponent's Blightlord deathstar and all they had was crawlers to deal with my knights in any meaningful way. Which dispatched one my Turn 3 and would almost certainly finish off the other Turn 4 as I had a very easy charge with my Desecrator then.

    The Knight Abominant can be made tough, but far from unkillable. Toughness 8 (well 7 in melee with Death Guard) and no re-rolls in my case was good as it can be forcing a lot of 5 and 6s to wound. But even a ranged 4++ can have a bad roll really cut through. And other army still have decent 2+ Damage weapons. A determined opponent can certainly bring it down in a couple of turns maybe faster.

  17. Had a game a little while ago against this lad and some other chaos knights as Iron Hands. After a couple really solid shooting phases, my chapter master came in and picked the last 4 wounds off of the Abominant with his thunder hammer. I lost, but it was an epic moment, and proof that they can, indeed, be killed.


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