Is there a Planet X in our solar system? #space #cosmoknowledge


20 thoughts on “Is there a Planet X in our solar system? #space #cosmoknowledge”

  1. let's just guess…

    maybe look opposite of the three of four known sednoids. Sedna, 2012 VP113 and 2015 TG387…

    Give or take a several light hours from the point opposite those.

    42 AU out and 23 degrees tilted to the solar system.

    opposite of those sednoids furthest points from the sun.

    or maybe they literally point right to it along with plutos tilted orbit.

  2. Something is up there. Me and a co-worker saw a smaller sun like object drift across the sky and behind some clouds on June 27 2016. Alaskan webcams also caught this object the same day but the videos of that date vanished shorty after being posted. Some people believe the object was a sun simulater created by NASA to move in front of our sun to hide eclipses and other anomalies. I don't know exactly what that thing was but me and my co-worker witnessed it hands down.


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