Is There A Doorway On Mars? | Here's What It Actually Is

In one of the recent images captured by National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Curiosity rover on Mars shows an unusual structure in the rocks that looks like a neatly carved out doorway. The internet has been abuzz since saying its a doorway cut into a cliff on Mars.

But scientists behind NASA’s Curiosity rover, which snapped the pictures earlier this month, said that while the strange door-like feature on Mars provides a fascinating “doorway into the ancient past,” it is perfectly natural rather than the work of some aliens in hiding.

#NASA #Mars #CuriosityRover

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10 thoughts on “Is There A Doorway On Mars? | Here's What It Actually Is”

  1. Buzz Aldrin just said that the moon landing never happened it was all staged I've always thought that the director of 2001 A space Odyssey and The shining said the whole moon landing was fake never landed on the moon how do I know there's a Mars Rover really on Mars this could be fake also. This could be very very well and Earth Rover


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