Is the Moon an Alien Spaceship? Science Says YES. | Ben Van Kerkwyk

Ben Van Kerkwyk of UnchartedX joins the Koncrete podcast. In this clip, he explains how the moon is perfectly designed to enable life on Earth. It’s a little too perfect – in fact, advanced civilizations may use something like the moon in the future to make life possible on other planets.

This begs the question: is the moon actually an alien spaceship?

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41 thoughts on “Is the Moon an Alien Spaceship? Science Says YES. | Ben Van Kerkwyk”

  1. Everyone goes on about planets having liquid water and an atmosphere to support life but that's what we need maybe not other life forms you never know they might need no water or air which I believe they probably don't everyone is so stuck on what humans need everything else needs the same wot rubbish 😅

  2. I wonder if the moon is 400 times closer and 400 times smaller to make a perfect eclipse. It's interesting because most habitable planets have a moon

  3. Ive seen a video that claims the moon was flown here since its just a big mothership. And there is stated all these facts about the moon that proves it.

  4. The moon could very well be the real biblical ark. The moon is hollow and science say it contains more fresh water than earth. What else is inside it.

  5. The moment I hear someone regurgitating numbers about the size and distance of the moon or the sun they automatically loose all credibility. I'm sure he thinks the moon landings were real as well, just another disinformant. Blah blah blah

  6. It's not the moon That passes in front of the sun that causes eclipse. It's the dark planet Rahu .
    Now there is a truth you won't believe But it's true nonetheless.

  7. Rhe mion has a drive capacity. It is the death star…crawling with hostile extraterrestrial entities. And anyone who tries to go there will die of violent death

  8. I don’t think the conditions for life necessarily need to be the same for each planet. Life on earth has specifically evolved to fit the conditions of earth. Nothing says that life on other planets didn’t evolve to fit or be born from the specific conditions of those planets. This would explain how and why extraterrestrial life would be so different from us.

  9. Yup I definitely do think they have the technology to build something like the moon, what a super amazing thing to imagine 🤔
    But I Disagree about earth, I think there could be life with out the moon
    It would be different but not impossible

  10. Is it weird that you staring at the same moon that your grand grand grand grand father stood an stared at that's how old the moon it has been there since the beginning of humanity an it will still be there at end of humanity

  11. We are made and used for a greater species and the moon is a huge computer its a ship basically when our earth is used up the moon moves on to another goldlox planet it use to. Orbit mars

  12. Ancient peoples of the world have a similar story of a time before the moon was in orbit. The climate was very different on Earth back then. When the moon came it was catastrophic for the planet & its people. An ancient Egypt text tells of the first ruler coming from the stars where the Earth & the Moon were made & then they were brought to this solar system.


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