Is the Chinese Economy Recovering? Can NIO Hit 30K Sales?

I visit two malls and tell you about what’s going on in China. Seems things are starting to pick up at last, and the economic situation isn’t as dire as has been reported by the likes of China Observer…Still not back to the roaring 20(10)s but it is feeling better and looking better. I also take a look at a NIO House and talk to NIO sales staff. I summarize our conversation at the end, so stick around.

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38 thoughts on “Is the Chinese Economy Recovering? Can NIO Hit 30K Sales?”

  1. NIO Weekly EVs delivery comparison: TSLA drop from 13900 to 13100 (drop 5.7%). XPENG 2100 to 1900 (-9%). BYD 53000 up to 55000 (+4%). NIO 4400 up 5500 (+25%) growth most.

  2. Thank you Eric for these kind of Video!!! It's is very important for us who don't live in China to know how the real economy is doing through you video!

  3. check out how the american economy is doing
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  4. If that’s a boring lame mall, I would. Be shocked to see there newer more up to date mall. That mall is much more dynamic than what they have in the more higher end malls in the US…that mall kind of looks like Las Vegas for kids..moving to services type business to see that they have no problem changing up stuff to solve other problems. I understand the older Chinese issues with THE Japanese…to I could not get through the t
    Book “the rapping of Nane King”, due to the horrific inhumane evil demonic barbarism.

  5. I have watched a few Indian media reporting that the China economy is collapsing and the Indian economy is doing better than China and will surpass China.
    So, now the Indian media that reported the China economy is collapsing must be very disappointed to watch this.

  6. 5/30: NIO next up 50% while TSLA rash 20% back to 144? like today hype/bubble crashing MDB-26% CRM-19% DELL-18% PATH-30% SNOW-7%; No financial advice just curiosity thinking.

  7. China's economic problem is due to the housing and infrastructure already well developed, hard to replace the jobs lost in this sector. Other than this, i think they are really doing very well.

  8. I just got back from xishuangbnna last week and the building go on there and it becoming a city now l see they just built a new big shopping centre in the centre of xishuangbnna and the property building has not slowed down they are build more. OK

  9. The fact that Chinese people eat sushi, watch Doraemon, and like the second dimension has nothing to do with whether they have forgotten Japan's role in World War II. This has nothing to do with age, but depends on the level of education. The same is true for the United States. Most American people don't hate Japan now because they didn't have enough historical education since childhood. I believe that the American elite will not think that Japan is really an ally and Pearl Harbor is just a movie. The descendants of the Hump Air Line pilots will not think that Japan only has Toyota and AV. Japan once had Zero suicide fighters, long live the emperor, thousands of people killed, and 100 million people died in glory, and there was no thorough reflection. I guess artificial intelligence will not translate very well, so I attach the Chinese version.

  10. I would like to rather see step by step increase in sales numbers rather than bumpy ride of ups followed by downs. Stability in sales performance is the key in getting back weakened confidence of investors…


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