Is Spacex's Starship Too Ambitious Or Game-changing?

Dive into the world of SpaceX’s Starship and its many variants! We unpack the vision and promise behind the world’s most adaptable space vehicle. From its early intentions as a Mars-bound human transport, to its recent pitch as a space station to NASA, Starship is shaping up to be a game-changer. But can SpaceX deliver on its many promises? Join us as we delve deep into the details, ask the tough questions, and look forward to the future of space exploration!

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🤵 Hosted by Ryan Caton (@dpoddolphinpro).
🎥 Video from Michael Baylor (@MichaelBaylor_), Sean Doherty (@SeanKD_Photos), Ryan Caton (@dpoddolphinpro)
🖊️Written by Ian Atkinson (@IanPineapple)
✂️ Edited by Ryan Caton (@dpoddolphinpro).
💼 Produced by Kevin Michael Reed (@kmreed).

🔍 All content copyright to NSF. Not to be used elsewhere without explicit permission from NSF.

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43 thoughts on “Is Spacex's Starship Too Ambitious Or Game-changing?”

  1. Starship is a huge metal tube. Its internals are a platform for any number of missions, and its internal structures can easily be built on earth.
    Starship can be used in space for anything that can be done on earth.

  2. Let's not forget it has NEVER reached orbit nor proven the upper stage can survive re-entry. How many years have they been working on this?? I'm not holding my breath. Armageddon will be upon us before this hoax of a rocket fulfills the most meager expectations.

  3. Don't forget the propellant tanks can be used for a Starship based space station.

    Heat tiles and flaps wouldn't be needed, reducing the Starship weight and thus increasing the weight lift capacity.

    The header tanks would be relocated to the bottom of the oxygen tank just like in the booster. This would reduce the strength requirement on the walls of the cargo section, allowing for the installation of openings for both a crew docking port and a larger cargo docking port. The oxygen and methane tanks already have external service ports that are used by workers to get inside the tanks when the Starship is on the ground. If larger opening for cargo hatches, that are sealed like the service access ports, can be added without compromising the strength of the rocket they should also be added. Docking ports could replace these access ports either prior to launce or once in orbit.

    If service ports can be installed in the exterior of the propellant tanks then pre-installed ports in the header between the cargo area and the methane tank as well as in the common dome would be possible, which would allow access to both empty propellant tanks. One or more Starship launches could be done to remove the Raptor engines for return to Earth and to seal the engine outlets of the repellent tanks so that they become air tight.

    Attachment points for solar panels, etc. could be pre-installed outside the Starship. Attachment points for walls, hardware, equipment, etc. could be pre-installed inside the propellant tanks and on the methane downcomer pipe. The repositioned header tanks could be re purposed for water, oxygen, or air storage once in orbit.

    A number of cargo launches would be requited to bring the station equipment to the Starship, but still the cost of a fully equipped approximately 7000 m² Starship space station would be far less per m² than any other option.

  4. I wonder if starship need thermal control help? The space shuttle was another craft about this big. It needed to get the payload bay doors open in order to get the radiators out or they would have to return IIRC.

  5. The Space Shuttle ran into the same problem… trying to be everything for everyone. In reality, Starship will mostly be a cargo barge and Starlink maintainer. It's cost effectiveness is questionable, requiring multiple flights just to go anywhere outside of LEO. I have serious doubts that it will ever go to Mars, well with people anyway. It has such a long way to go before it's remotely mature enough to know anything at this point anyway. It does have some outstanding marketing though.

  6. The real market for starship is to place large payloads in GTO while being fully reusable. Even the timelines only make sense in that context. By the time the ship makes it’s extended elliptical orbit, the chopsticks will have had time to move the booster out of the way.

    Frankly, the only missions starship seems purpose built for is building a Space Elevator and/or completely cornering the satellite communications market. All the other variants are kinda shoe horned in there, despite any altruistic thoughts of making humanity “multi planetary.”

  7. When looking at cost/profit/logistical issues of multiple versions of Starship your airline analogy was good but you could extend it further than just looking at passenger and cargo versions of essentially the same plane. When considering whether it is manageable for SpaceX as a commercial operation I would zoom out a step on your analogy and observe that not only are there different versions of the same plane but as commercial operators many airlines have multiple airline types in their fleet and for some, e.g. Emirates, they're not even from the same manufacturer with a pretty even representation of both Boeing and Airbus planes of various types. Qatar is also a split Airbus/Boeing operator as are many other airlines to varying degrees.

    If airlines can run and maintain such very diverse fleets and heavily utilised fleets on a daily basis then I am pretty confident that SpaceX could manage multiple versions of the upper stage.

  8. Another variant could be added as stated by Elon is the 'Telescope version' of which features a huge telescope as a payload or having the whole ship as a telescope.
    And the renders of this video are just amazing. Loved it.

  9. Hello everyone, I'm not very happy with the way NSF has been treating it's viewers recently. one reason is that it seems I've been banned from receiving gift memberships, and I'm not the only one. I expect the reason is that I don't donate money to NSF. I can't afford it right now. They say like and subscribe means so much to them but looks like it's not enough. Let's remember that i do like and subscribe as well as watch 3-4 hours a day watching many commercials along the way. I'm sure The advertising revenue alone is more than a million dollars a year not counting merch sales paid memberships and generous donations from the viewers of NSF, however they constantly claim they need more donations from the viewers.Also its almost impossible to even have a simple question answered by them unless you pay them to do so any unpaid questions are completely ignored imo. Even with a red team paid membership which is overpriced again imo you still are denied access to the NSF discord platform. And you still won't get any questions answered directed to @nasaspaceflight during a live stream. It all about getting your money. Chris B is sitting back with his feet up making a ton of money from a space program that isn't even in the same Country as he is. Moerover I don't think he's aware of the united States constitution either, as they are constantly stepping on our first amendment rights. And I don't mean bad language I mean anything at all that he doesn't agree with. This is why Elon bought Twitter and here is NSF doing exactly the same crap. You would think he would be grateful for the opportunity he is provided by this great country the USA and respect our laws and traditions. But it doesn't look that way to me. I won't be donating any money to NSF as they don't need it , and they are making millions from the advertising, high priced merchandise (which I have bought several times) and paid memberships. I believe The only reason I was shadow banned from receiving gift memberships is because they want more money from viewers like me that don't have it to give. Like I said it's not just me that this is happening to. And yes I have my settings correct. I am also aware of how gifting works and who should be getting them. Honestly it's just the principal of the thing not the membership itself. I find it insulting that it's happening to people.and I don't believe it's YouTube that's doing it either. I'm sorry if you disagree with my point of view I've never said a bad thing to or about NSF before today. This is my opinion and I have every right to express it. Remember to Keep donating NSF needs more money. Money money money gimme gimme gimme. It's like taking candy from a baby. Right Chris?Want a 50 cent patch that'll be 17 bucks. Financing available for Starship plushies. And hey have a great "rest of the day" everyone.

  10. The Space Shuttle functioned as a:
    1. manned orbital laboratory
    2. satellite launcher
    3. space telescope launcher (since you mentioned 'scopes in particular)
    4. cargo delivery 'truck'
    5. construction material delivery 'truck'
    6. satellite repair vehicle
    7. ?
    All with one basic configuration.

    While I am certain there will be SS variations, many of the functions described in this episode can be accomplished with simple payload changes. Seems likely SS with have a "standard payload spec," enabling many customers to easily and cheaply optimize specialized functions.

  11. I want to see a disposable version specifically designed to boost a large 3rd stage to carry deep space missions farther and faster. Imagine being able to comfortably double your mass to Jupiter or Saturn, and get there faster, yes please.

  12. Starlink provide already 1 billion dollars in revenue. And will double by the end of this year. With the 2.0 version , It will go easily to 5 billion dollars if revenue!

  13. If and when the Starship becomes operational, the different iterations will be a major game changer. We can explore the solar system. We can mine the asteroid belt. We can send ships Earth to Earth in minutes. Lunar bases become simplified. Also, I’ve never heard it discussed but a military version becomes possible.

  14. The Giant Space Telescope Launch Foundation needs a fleet. We will need 7 cargo 'ships for our mirrors, 1 crew version for our scientists, engineers, patrons, and tourists. We will need to design one for our construction astronauts and their EVA tugs, with suit porches. Maybe an infirmary.

  15. Why would lunar lander be painted white? Paint weighs and i would imagine white paint absorbs more sunlight than shiny metal which reflects more away – avoiding boiloff

  16. I want to see a “shuttle” version with crew and cargo. If they have the shuttle style doors that open into the barrel section, then make the nose cone a crew compartment so that missions like the Hubble service mission can happen. I wonder if there is enough DV to do a JWST service mission.


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