Is Perez the PERFECT number 2 driver? | Sky F1 Podcast | Ted Kravitz & Claire Cottingham

Ted Kravitz and F1 journalist Claire Cottingham join Matt Baker to review the Canadian Grand Prix, debate whether Sergio Perez is the PERFECT number 2 driver, discuss how integral Adrian Newey is to Red Bull’s set up, and wax lyrical on the crisps of Canada!

00:00 – Intro

04:00 – A weekend of records for Red Bull

15:30 – Perez the perfect No. 2?

34:40 – When Kravitz met Horner before Red Bull team principal role

43:00 – Was Lando ‘unsportsmanlike’?

50:00 – W Series entering administration

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50 thoughts on “Is Perez the PERFECT number 2 driver? | Sky F1 Podcast | Ted Kravitz & Claire Cottingham”

  1. I am very much on the left but I hate it when folks like Claire are all over the place with buzzwords. I understand pronouns are a big talking point but I think it is far more important to create opportunities for marginalized people over forcing others to use certain words. She dilutes the argument by shifting to pronouns. I'm quite sure the W-series drivers consider themselves racing drivers first and foremost so let's focus on making that happen before we change the wording in stewards' reports.

  2. O shock horror, a British channel supporting their own driver’s. If you don’t like it then don’t watch it. I’ll suggest another podcast called F1 Nation. I for one enjoy both and do not get butt hurt when some else not named Verstappen gets mentioned.

  3. Glad I watched this vid. 1. Kravitz showed a good sense of humor and seems to be a more pleasant man than I originally thought. 2. I found this Claire Cottingham very refreshing and knowledgeable. Every word she said made sense.

  4. I just find it funny people talking about being Max ot the car 😂 Max is extracting the maximum of every cat he had, he race toro rosso to multiple top 6 races when that car was not at that level. 2016 to 2020 Max had the 3rd best car the majority of the races and he own multiple races every season anyway…. Since Max start winning I dont see other driver doing the same with the 3rd best car!
    We need to give credit to Max his unbelievable good!

  5. Is Perez the PERFECT number 2 driver, I would say Mercedes, Aston Martin, Ferrari, Alpine, McLaren, Alfa, HAAS, Williams, and Alpha are all PERFECT number 2 teams for Red Bull, forget about Perez.

  6. This whole female f1 term…
    Untill a female gets in an f1 car fullstop never mind as fast etc. It will remain sportsman. He him. Isnt there a reason.? We cant do female sports. A female doesnt have the physicality and reaction time to compete. By all means have a female version. But mixed… no. Same as football. Rugby etc etc. Split for a reason.

  7. Checo will be fine. Not championship fine, but podium fine. Monaco was a mistake, In Spain he tried to copy Max’ short cornering, while Max adapted to the circuit and lenghtened his corners. In Canada he didn’t have the right strategy for Quali, but he did ok in the race. If the weather holds in Austria, Checo will be p4 at least and he can build on that result.

  8. It might be too late to allow women into F1. Clearly as seen below, men will complain about women given access into F1. Also, what will happen is that men will start driving in the female categories as women, to get into F1, and it will be hard to tell them no, especially when F1 is a non-physical contact sport.

  9. The reason why I know they don’t really care is because if you finish 1st (like Max) you get 25 points towards the WCC

    Lets say Mercedes finishes 2nd and 3rd, That’s 33 Points towards the WCC

    So if Perez can finish 6th or 7th each race the gap in WCC won’t close and that’s if Merc finish 2-3

    If they finish 2nd and 5th or 3rd and 4th that’s less than 30 points and Perez only needs to finish in the top 8 in each race to continue being a “perfect number 2”

    If Perez performance doesn’t improve it will cost them massively next year and that’s when his job will come under threat

  10. God, Claire Cottingham is a feminist.

    She's claiming that women just need the same opportunities as men; when have they not had the same opportunities?

    Then she goes on about pronouns and other nonsense… 🤦🤦🤦

  11. if there was enough interest in watching the series then the sponsors would follow, so if the sponsors are not coming on board that is because there isnt as much interest in it.
    unless F1 back the academy series then that will fail aswell.

  12. in this age we live in women and girls know they can do just about anything they WANT to do, so maybe if there isnt as many women doing these rolls then maybe its because they dont want to, dont blame " words" on regulations that you dont read untill you get involved as to why there isnt more females in what ever work you choose to argue over,
    maybe they express the desire to do it but then lack the actual desire to do it.
    just an opinion as to why there arent as much women in these types of organizations,
    maybe im wrong.

  13. They wont can checo unless he literally always is at back. Webbar had bad runs against Seb too. Long as days max is off checo is on they have no reason to change. They DO NOT want a leclerc etc fighti g max side by side itd be much harder to manage

  14. Thanks for taking my photo in between the F1 trophies at the Canadian Grand Prix. I've watched a number of your YouTube videos in the past, and I enjoy your commentary.

  15. @ 44:36 As there are only Men competing in this event then the term is perfectly valid,
    if a Woman was to ever get on the grid in F1 and they used that term THEN you can add your feminist view…

  16. The word ‘man’ covers both Woman and Men, we are Humans. The word sportsman is multi-gendered. We don’t need to change the language we use, we need to understand the language better.

  17. Lella Lombardi is the only woman to have scored a top-six finish in an F1 race throughout history. She recorded half a point for finishing P6 during the 1975 Spanish Grand Prix on the Montjuïc circuit in Barcelona, enough said ….


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