Is Lost Ark Raids Getting Nerfed? – Allcraft With Saintone

This Episode of Allcraft is sponsored by Game Fuel!

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Edited by OdinDuh:

#LostArk #Asmongold #Stoopzz


27 thoughts on “Is Lost Ark Raids Getting Nerfed? – Allcraft With Saintone”

  1. Saint is an elite content creator for Lost Ark. His knowledge of the game and passion to share that knowledge is pretty much unmatched. We're fortunate to have a guy like him in the English-speaking community

  2. lol at rich when he interrupted asmon when asmon said whales are paying to progress much further then others. rich felt the need to defend himself by saying "yeah but im also good at the game" when literally no one asked.

  3. my big issue with this game are collectables. I feel like I play the game for maybe 1 hour a day. rest is sailing, mining and doing islands that are either stupid, boring, tedious or fun but I completed the fun ones.
    the biggest issue is hard lock on 1 per week abyssal. I would probably not mind going second time even without any rewards just to learn mechanics properly. as it is after a week I am progressing again because I already forgot what the mechanic was. by the time you clear your 2nd abyss in your tier you are already in 2nd tier and by the time you do your 3rd you are already t3 with only 2 dungs there and one needs 1340 or whatever which will take me few days to get there because my luck sucks. so for next few days its Guardian raid, chaos dungeon and… daily, islands, chaos gate etc.
    probably need to get into pvp or smth and hope its fun because the game is nice but you are saying there is a lot of content but to me its not that great. Even more so when my friend is in t2, im in t3, he already ran his t2 dungs, cannot run that ONE t3 dung with me. so we wait for reset and I will go with him to his t2s as Im a pala – support so I wont even carry him through and proably will be pissed at those 8 man dungs where, for some reason, there is always at least 1 guy who does not know mechanics but can learn and 1-2 guys who wanna quit after 1st wipe.
    and my biggest disappointment is GUILD system. there is nothing really in guild that can be done. you donate silver and… thats the guild content. Almost nobody goes to discord unless they wanna chat about RL or smth because in the game there is almost no party content. And the party content you could go for is LOCKED behind 1 entry per week so out of the few people who are able to go with you, 90% is already done that week. so when you finally get to t2 item level to get 8man dung and its unfortunatelly Saturday … go with randoms, guild members are most likely done with it since the day it re-set.

    I miss those days when guilds were famous, players could be famous apart from streamers or whales and in the end, you never meet those guys in game anyways. no castles, no benefits etc. its almost like genshin impact, do your dailies, do that daily content, do some collectables, once a week get excited for bosses that does not really drop anything significant and than try your luck with gatcha.

    DPS meter is another thing i am missing. just for myself I dont have to see everyone DPS. But if I play with a friend, I am DPS, he is DPS, we are around same Ilvl I wanna know the difference. am I doing good? bad? did I improve?
    As a support I miss any kind of support skills. with Pala its 1 party shield and… thats it. use it and wait 30 sec for another. Sure there is DPS buff no. 1, no 2, there is your Ult, blessed aura that TBH needs like 5x more healing because when it ticks for 2k when people have 80k hp… and even more so I dont even know how much DPS it adds because there is no NO DPS METER. so I say to my friend when we stagger a boss "DUDE lets go full in, I put in my "Z", i put in my dmg buff, I put in my dmg DE-buff… and well I dont feel any impact at all 😀 I assume they deal about 40% more dps. maybe less, maybe more. but do they?
    if I dont even use my blessed aura, nobody even complains. If I use my 2 dmg buffs at the same time, nobody even knows I did it. If I auto attack and dont even use skills… nobody really cares.

    I loved TERA for the combat and that healer was very difficult to play. dot heals, target heals, debufs, buffs etc. and you could see the difference. Here I finally felt some difference later in t2 that support is nice to have but maybe, just maybe, one more DPS would let you kill that boss 2-3 min faster.

    I feel like playing ESO all over again that you had to keep that 5% inc. dmg debuff as a support UP because apparently it was SUPER important and I never felt the difference.

    TLDR: I enjoy the game but I have some big BIG issues with it as a support (long cooldowns and could not really feel any real impact like a nice 30% insta heal instead of that small heal from shield etc.).

  4. I didn't really understand why people find rich annoying until this. Like a zoomer Jimmy Fallon except Jimmy Fallon is participating in toxic behavior and bragging about it in between laughs

  5. Only thing that Lost Ark is bad at, is that fucking daily content, why not make it all weekly so i can no life at a weekend and relax during week days
    It feels i come home from work to work more on a videogame


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