Is It Worth Playing EVE Online Solo in 2023?

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SOLO IS DEAD! Or is it? Is it worth playing EVE Online solo? It is an MMO afterall… Well in this video I share my take on the issue after more than 10 years as a capsuleer!

There’s a lot of ways to play EVE Online but the sheer amount of stuff there is to do in the game can be pretty overwhelming for a lot of new players because unlike a lot of other games, EVE doesn’t point you in any particular direction or tell you what to do once you complete the tutorial. It teaches you the basics and then releases you into this massive universe with seemingly endless possibilities, a mountain of things to learn and skills to train and basically no advice on where to even begin figuring it all out.

It can be a pretty brutal, but one of the most common questions I get on my other EVE Online videos is whether or not it’s even possible to play this game solo and actually succeed at it, and the simple answer is yes, although it might not seem so for the first couple of months. The fact is though that it’s completely playable solo, whether you want to be a casual miner or you’re interested in doing pve combat sites and missions, or become a hardcore pvper taking on entire fleets on your own, you can do it all and actually succeed at it as a solo player, with only a handful of rare exceptions.

Will you die? Yes, everybody dies in EVE whether you’re in a fleet or not, and if you’re not dying or at least getting into situations that routinely make you soil yourself then you’re not playing it right. It’ll be rough, it’ll be hair rasing and it’ll test your nerves to the limit from time to time, even when you’re doing something you think should be fairly safe, but it will also be one of the most rewarding and memorable experiences you can have in gaming. Period. And you’ll remember the most thrilling moments from your capsuleer career for the rest of your life.

But before we get more into all that, let me address the most obvious question probably on a lot of peoples minds right now. Why would you want to play an MMO solo when the very name Massively Multipler Online, suggests that the game was built to be played with other people, especially when everything allegedly becomes so much easier when you join a corp and do stuff together as a fleet instead, and as someone who prefers spending most of my gaming time doing my own thing, I feel like I can answer this one with a fair bit of insight… Quite frankly, people have a tendency to… How can I put this? … Well People Suck.

Now before you blow up into a G-Fuel enduced gamer rage in the comments, obviously I don’t mean everyone and not all the time, quote un-quote “people” can be pretty awesome when they want to be, but generally speaking I find things just go a lot smoother when I know what I’m doing and what I want to achieve, and there’s nobody else around getting involved with their opinions and ideas or showing up 30 minutes late to a pre-planned fleet op, or turning up on time and then starting to fit out their ship, eSPECIALLY when we’re talking about a bunch of random gamers who’ve never met trying to work together to achieve the impossible, where half of them are getting chewed out by their wives for not helping out more around the house, and the other half are watching Band of Brothers and doing their taxes on their second monitor.

Yeah I know you know what I’m talking about.

So to answer the question, I enjoy playing MMO’s solo because it’s just simpler. There’s no drama, there’s no personality clashes or feelings that can get hurt, and after 8 hours of work, sometimes I just want to come home and turn on a game and be around other people, without necessarily interacting with them and having to be ‘on’ all the time, and I expect there’s a lot of people out there who feel the same way, and that’s how I’ve spent most of my 10 years playing EVE.



30 thoughts on “Is It Worth Playing EVE Online Solo in 2023?”

  1. short story for allt hose that dont want to wast time: NO it is not worth it . for the same money you can just buy better games and with less hustle. baldurs gate will give more entertainment for cheaper. the game is outdated never really expanded since 2005 and not one mechanic is better or more fun. wanna get scammed harrazed or plainly mislead by bitter people? play eve lol.

  2. I've been in Eve since 2003 with over 310 million sp. Solo is not hard, but it's better if you have six accounts. I have not been in the game for over a year. Why? Because it's the same old shit, day in and day out. Then they raised the price while not actually developing new content in the game. When I see changes, I'll be back in.

  3. Alot of solo players can be found in npc corps. And many of them sre grouping up with people exclusively from the same Corp. Cus.. like minded people. And very very rarely Any backstabbing. There is very little motivation to do so.

  4. One of the interesting things about games like this (Tarkov too) is when you start, you think about 'the identity' you want to be. The something that sold you to give it a try. You find a 'meta' you think you will gravitate too. And that can be true. BUT. If you look closely enough, the game becomes a mirror to whom you really are as a person and not the person you think you want to be. The sooner you work with yourself and not against yourself, you find yourself doing things you enjoy doing more. Its OK if your not a "________", because you are a "_________" instead. Find yourself and be yourself in Eve and you will enjoy Eve. But if your trying to be someone your not, and your not becoming good at it, you wont like Eve much. Look in the mirror and just be You.

  5. What might be nice is that travel includes safe areas for solo player who do not want to die and loose the ship. Like, every destination has mutiple choices so a warrior can go to systems and play for ships and the solo player can go to craft or story mission systems. The Thread Man, The Thread!

  6. Played EVE from 2011 till late 2018, spent most of my time flying with industrial corps and alliances which are some of my fondest gaming memories, tried Goonswarm afterwards, but the PAP system they had burned me out completely and utterly. Been wondering coming back for a while now.

  7. I try EVE a long time ago and was bad experience because I am a deaf player. Without ability to communicate one is typically unable to partake in fleet activities. People do not want to try to help those that are unable to hear and the game does not offer any accesibility options. Well at least when I tried to play. I doubt this has changed but want to share my experience so other might understand as well.

  8. Soooo you can play Solo as long as you don't want to play the game, glad I stopped when they messed up the Dust launch. Rather give my time and money to a dirt merchant. 😀

  9. Sure, just dong go to orange and red sectors and you'll be fine. And if you do, just keep in mind that your ship might be netted grabbed and destroyed, unless your bought those ships that could go invisible.

  10. I'm returning to eve after a 4 year absence. Made allot of the newbie mistakes mentioned in the video, should I continue from where I left off, or is making a new capsuleer a better idea?

  11. I liked how the game looks, but I found it to be quite boring. I tried it as Alpha, liked the idea of a small ship, exploring, killing stuff,..but it became boring quite soon.
    The missions – meh… Mining? hell no.
    Killing rats was ok for a week, and that was it. At the end I was killing those Clone soldiers in a frigate and was "doing ISK", but for what?
    The Abyss thing is so basic & lame, yet someone compared it to a dungeon in the other games 😀 what a joke.
    There is no sense of progression, adventure etc. I really wanted to like the game, but it was kinda disappointing.

  12. If you are interested in perhaps 3rd partying you should try faction warfare. You can fly whatever you want and don’t have to actually coordinate or talk to teammates and you don’t have to shoot them. You can be the bait or others can be. Folks camping battlefield gates in cloaked ships seems fun but you don’t even need join fw and I see pirates often and you can shoot them without any penalty in plexes.

  13. I have bitter feeling towards the game when I had to let my Omega expire due to life event. I started playing eve in yr2 and I forget what happened and had to start a new account and jumped back in with both feet with over 2K+ hrs and ISK and real $$ invested in Omega just to have it all lost due to that life event. I was online so often that I even had a group recruit me every time they would do mining runs.


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