Is it TOO LATE to save New World?

I’ve avoided, for the most part, doing videos on all of the New World drama going on recently. There are other content creators out there that have done a far better job at detailing the almost endless number of issues the game has had over the last month as they arise.
But I get messaged repeatedly asking what my thoughts are on all of it. Asking why I’m not covering it as well. And you know what? That’s a good question. The more people discussing it, the more attention brought to it, the better.

New World could have been an amazing MMORPG. It’s a lot of fun. There’s plenty to do in the game. But how poorly this game is handled is laughable. It’s become a meme online, Amazon Game Studios has become a massive meme online. Players that were excited for Lost Ark are now cautious, even given the fact that Smilegate are still in charge of development.
Sure, concurrent player numbers are down. That’s partly due to the fact that so many players are fed up with all of the issues that seem to arise almost daily, but also due to things as basic as burnout and running out of things to do.
It happens to every MMO, to every game. New World isn’t anything special – it’s no exception to the rule.

Amazon have a long way to go before New World is capable of giving any of the large MMORPGs any type of long-term competition. But I have faith they can still turn this around. Maybe..

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32 thoughts on “Is it TOO LATE to save New World?”

  1. I've avoided, for the most part, doing videos on all of the New World drama going on recently. There are other content creators out there that have done a far better job at detailing the almost endless number of issues the game has had over the last month as they arise.
    But I get messaged repeatedly asking what my thoughts are on all of it. Asking why I'm not covering it as well. And you know what? That's a good question. The more people discussing it, the more attention brought to it, the better.
    Watch us stream MMORPGs on Twitch:

  2. I've had fun playing the game, and it has all the foundations to be a great game, but it was released way to early & with bugs that were already reported in previous betas not being fixed before hand. The slap dash patches they've put in place is like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound, it might catch some blood, but its not going to work in the long run. That said I think it needs to go the Route of Final Fantasy 14, take it down and rework it until its actually fixed and some things are overhauled. (like random gear for quest rewards, instead of letting us choose what we want from a list for the class we might be playing at the time)

  3. If I didn't enjoy how combat works in this game I would've quit after the 2nd disabling of trade. I feel like I paid full price for alpha access. With so many bugs it feels worse than a beta should be, let alone "full" release. (Edit: The only reason I still play is because there isn't a subscription. I think that's the only reason there still are a large amount of people still playing. Getting their money's worth.)

  4. I doubt that this game will go in the footsteps of TESO or Final Fantasy. Those two games are exceptions rather than the norm in this industry. Fixing a game like that would cost a lot of money and not guarantee returns, since players got burned once, and Amazon is not really known for their generosity. So, abandon hope for reboot. AGS team will probably work on fixing New World as long as exec uptop will see chance for return of investment. Maybe it will even go F2P in desperate attempt to gain new players after some time, but that's it. Sooner or later this game will probably share fate of other AGS titles – shut down and gone.

  5. They shouldn't fix the problems. They should make more fixes to break the game even more. THEN turn it into a subscription followed by in game cash shop for pay to win items followed by DLCs to fix some problems lmao.

  6. For 40 bucks it gave me about 200 hours of enjoyable game time which I cant hate but I will personally quit playing to many bugs endgame is not solo friendly which kinda killed it off for me as a solo mainly person

  7. With FFXIV expansion right around the corner I'd say New World missed its opportunity window. All the hype is gone because of how broken the game is. Some may argue that 190k daily peak is still good but large part of those are people just killing time while waiting for Endwalker to release and not willing to try any other games cause they know they have no time to get invested. If New World was a good game it would still loose a lot of players to Endwalker. In its current state it will just be a nail to the coffin. It will be hard for Amazon to salvage this. If they are able to fix all the issues and start adding new content within next few months then some people will eventually give it another try but it is really hard to regain trust that has been lost. If someone has quit the game because of frustration he will rather try something new than hope that "it will be good this time".

  8. Its outcomes like this that make me lose faith in the gaming community. While the developers are accountable for letting this happen in the first place, the populace that plays these games and enables/abuses them is probably just as bad if not worse. Best advice I can give to developers that want to make a MMO: Don't.

  9. You should have kept avoiding it …. Most gamer viewers these days just like shit post videos by creators that barely care or play games. Positive and optimistic videos don’t get clicks tho lol we know this 😉. Cute watching you creators oblige lol

  10. Final Fantasy 1.0 and ESO clawed themselves out of the grave. New World isnt a "big D" Ip though with a rabid fan following like Elder Scrolls or FF though. It will most likely survive with around 30-50k Steam concurrency because I think it appeals to people that enjoy games like Albion Online or BDO and Survival games like Rust, etc. , ie pvp sandboxes. IF they continue to try to be a half assed theme park though I think they will fail. They need to just embrace the sandbox nature and add more of that stuff and get a handle on the economy and they will be fine. Being an ESO clone with weak ass quests isnt going to work IMO.

  11. As everyone said already is that even considering that every game lose players after a month, new world just losing too much, these numbers are abnormal. People just barely like this game, its alive only because it is Amazon, new developer hype yey


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