Is It Possible that Dinosaur-like Creatures are Roaming Amongst Us Today?… Eyewitnesses Accounts

@zoharstargateancientdiscoverie According to official history, dinosaurs met their collective end following a huge asteroid strike that had fatal and cataclysmic consequences. However, today in our contemporary era sightings of these ancient creatures persist. Furthermore, the potential for these creatures to have survived and to continue to thrive here on Earth is not as far-fetched as we might think, from the unexplored jungle regions of the planet, the wilderness of the Australian Outback, and even in places so heavily populated as the United States.

This video features a promotional trailer from Gaia Original Series “Mystery Teachings with Jonny Enoch”- look in the comment section for more from @GaiaVideo and their enormous library of non-mainstream media

All content on this channel is licensed, and or produced by Zohar Entertainment Group/Awakening Expo/Phenomena Magazine


35 thoughts on “Is It Possible that Dinosaur-like Creatures are Roaming Amongst Us Today?… Eyewitnesses Accounts”

  1. Follow this link to watch more than 200 episodes of Cosmic Disclosure, and also discover Gaia’s extensive video library of Original Shows, Films & Documentaries, and other GaiaSphere Premium Events, covering topics such as; extraterrestrial evidence & modern abduction stories, conspiracy theories, and explorations of the non-terrestrial agenda… You can also find personal growth topics and much much more!

  2. Just after 6:50 you referenced the prehistoric lobe-finned fish the Coelacanth
    Your pronunciation was incorrect
    You said “co-lank-us”
    It is actually known as “see-luh-Kanth”

    As a marine biologist, I feel compelled to reply.

  3. WHY ARE YOU SO SCARED WERE REPTILIAN TOO TAKE A PHOTO FROM YOUR CHIN UP AND SEE WHAT YOU SEE. Thats a place we really dont have in our pic memory it throw you off wete reptiian to guys we just have a preception of how we look buy a dog sees a walking talking reptile creature when they look at us just like we see a dog

  4. Of course, after the asteroid strike 65 million years ago, a time-traveling team of census workers determined that all the dinosaurs were exterminated. Oh, and let us not forget the artists who also came along and painted accurate descriptions of all the dinosaurs they came across on their time travels. That is how we k ow what the dinosaurs really looked like. Other scientists also came along so they could witness and describe their diets and behavior patterns.

    Translation here:

    We know absolutely nothing about the dinosaurs except the conjecture we have been led to believe are facts, but in reality are educated assumptions based upon the rare and few 🎉collections of dinosaur bones resting close enough to the ground to be discovered by farmers and paleontologists alike. Imagination is sometimes, as in this case, better than no explanation when the evidence is less than even circumstantial.

  5. They got the lifespans wrong bc they don't mean the individual has lived over tenthausands of years but its the mention of the "Alpha" the families first…and as long his line lasted & males in his name & dna were born he was 'alive'
    In the jewish Thora it as well mentioned that one will have garanteed life in the afterworld as long as your (male) kids reproduce & bring forward a male – to carry the name…a female's gonna marry & becomes part of another family-line
    Means the lifespans refeer to familys, tribes, or even nations…

  6. It may be possible for some animals that can still be around after a long time.
    Or it could be something strange that we just may not understand yet.
    Say it took about 1,000 years for all the planets to align perfectly in space who is to say that we do not pass through some small time rift in space.
    One that we can not detect yet because we are not yet advanced enough yet to know that it is there.
    Or if a part of our space were to faze shift in a Dimension for even just a small moment that was just outside of our time we would not even notice it.
    Think of it as little pockets of a faze shifting door ways that could be caught between our world and a world that we can not see.
    And if any of us happen to walk through a place like that then plant enough food to survive and find as many ways as you can to tell man in the future to build a better world for everyone.


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