Is HOMEWORLD MOBILE Worth Your Time?? || Homeworld Mobile

After years of beta tests and waiting, HOMEWORLD MOBILE finally launched this week. Is it any good??

#homeworldmobile #spaceships #homeworld


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45 thoughts on “Is HOMEWORLD MOBILE Worth Your Time?? || Homeworld Mobile”

  1. I like homeworld lot on computers now it app I'm going to play with it please keep make video on this game Iike it hopefully you like to . But that part is up to you captain . Love all you video lot keep it up

  2. Also yes, Homeworld is a story you should experience. It is rich and the gameplay is amazing. Not many other games let you operate in full 3d space and ambush from above and below 🙂

  3. Glad to see you're covering this. I bailed on Eve Echoes about 6 months ago and have been on Diablo Immortal, but recently downloaded this one. Seems fun so far, but hasn't quite ensnared me yet. Hopefully it does, cuz I adored HW and HW2 on PC!

  4. Comparatively with the old game's home world is a decrease in quality audio wise it and does not strays far from old mechanics and not even improving UI wise is again not very good lacking explanation.
    In order to see the decrease in quality highly recommended to see MandalorianGaming review on the pc games

  5. 1 Insignia are used for upgrading officers
    2 go assignments and you have a star in the corner with the exit button that will give priority to the mission then you will see a few stations those stations will give you a mission do 2 and that's the mission done yes only like this you will see the station names and even then not all

  6. I joined this Friday myself i left echos and was looking for something else to play so I'm still learning myself . The recruitment tokens hire officers BTW these can be equipped into slots on the bridge escort ship slots or other places as they open up each have a bonus they give. You can also use your resource collector to repair the armor(blue bar) on any ships that have armor. Though normally enemy will target those first if they are repairing

  7. I been playing from launch, yes game has very minimum direction and information regarding the different icons in the game. However part of discovering what things are and what they do if the information isn't given to you is to just tap on it and see what happens. Life is about trial and error, most of which is self taught if not all. So I like not having my hand held all the time and understanding how things work on my own terms, doing it that way I get a better understanding what 'I' should be doing and how it should be done based on what I found out. Benzie, I love you to pieces but come on lol tapping on only half your icons to understand what passive, defensive and aggressive tactics are for your ships is only half of understanding the game. If you can go that far, surely you could have done so with the rest of the icons on the far right of your screen to figure out before you uploaded the video that the massive blue circle shows objectives and neutral entities and allied targets. Just saying lol.

  8. Yeah I'm with you with most of them points.
    I will add that the game does very much feel empty.
    It does quickly become a repeating game and it feels a bit boring at times.

    Another thing is that I hope that story hasn't ruined homeworld 3 by pretty much giving it away.

    The galaxy I wouldn't mind having mire freedom to Rome around to random parts of systems rather than jumping to specific points all the time. I also wouldn't mind having more escort slots than just the 1. Maybe 2 would be better.

  9. Ohh, NetEase finally released the May, 2021 balance update! Time to play, yea!

    End of joke. So, as long as they stayed true to the spirit of this game, it's a gem. Had loads of fun playing back in 1999-2001. It was quite a challenging strategy game as well.

  10. This is what I've been looking for when I get burned out in EVE (both Echoes and the Original) it has risks but not as heavy as those, sure you can lose ships if you're not careful enough but your flagship can only be disabled, not destroyed. Emergency Warp is a button and no one can stop you from using it (and many players advice on using (a ship is about to be destroyed so you run away) and abusing it (abuse it to complete "kill x number of this type of ship" faster)) unlike in EVE where if someone has an inhibitor, good luck running away. PVP is restricted in conflict areas. So you can pretty much stay safely in stations. This also is a more tactical/strategic games and what I've been wanting from space strategy games like Lagrange, the ability to call shots and decide who goes where and which of the enemy fleet to kill first, or how to split my fleet into two.

    If I were to describe this game, this is Diet Coke Starsector

  11. Homeworld was my favorite game I think member play tool the Catalysm I think that was the name that should be the second part but they made Homeworld 2 later they make the remaster it and the remaster it the graphics out way better and you can play multiplier I did the second you can play multiplayer two but not the first one I think Naldecon the third part this one online idont

  12. Its a pretty good game, but currently its just grindy – and to what end? There's no endgame in sight, no competitive pvp. So it's just endlessly a build-up-your-armada game for no appear ant reason.

  13. Ahoy! I messaged you a while back on reddit, don't expect you to remember, but you said hi back. Kudos to you for being so cool. We're in the same alliance. You helped me immensely in learning the ins and outs of Eve Echoes. Keep up the great work!

  14. i have been loving homeworld and its alot of fun so far. i played the original and this game brings back a lot of old memories. there is for sure a learning curve but i think they are working on that. i think it would be cool if you made content for this one

  15. I would flood you with my knowleg from closed and open beta. How What…… join the discord and there are a lot of peeps that helps u. Homeworld is a game of Exploration, in the lore of the fist game Titel. I would that you make content for this game. If u need a Team up or help just contact me. Greats from Germany.

  16. I really like this series and was waiting for mobile game. Want to try it in the near future. Also, I'll be glad to watch your videos about this game if you'll decide to make more of it

  17. I used to follow you back in EVE echoes days, but early on i noticed Echoes turned into EVE and became a PC game and no longer a mobile game.

    This game seems to be more co-op which changed the entire community to be friendly and helpful instead of toxic and rude which is such a great breath of fresh air.

    The end game is my biggest concern, Pvp is locked to tier of ships, but i think as long as events and end game is looked after, i could play this game a good long while.

  18. Great Video. I played Homeworld, HW2, and HW: Cataclysm. GREAT games. So imagine my excitement to find out that there is a mobile version… YAY!

    I just looked up and there is the manual for Homeworld on my bookshelf. And there's the problem… this game needs a manual. Or at least a LOT of tutorial screens.

    Downloading on phone and tablet. I'll give it a try.



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