Is Games Workshop Making the Combat Patrol Boxes WORSE?

Let’s talk through the first four Combat Patrol boxes in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition, and a few of the pitfalls of each one…

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0:00 Intro
1:25 Tyranids
3:19 Space Marines
5:09 Adeptus Mechanicus
8:50 Necrons
11:21 The Future?
14:17 Outro


38 thoughts on “Is Games Workshop Making the Combat Patrol Boxes WORSE?”

  1. Really like the video auspex but think it missed a step. You only included games workshop pricing to calculate discount on a combat patrol. It would have been nice to show the discount you get compared to buying from third party retailers. As theses new combat patrols only seem available from gw it would have been nice to see how much of a discount they are compared to buy from 3rd party retailers.

    A quick eg. Kit separately for necrons combat patrol from element games is £99.03 that meaning you only get a discount of 4.07%

  2. Dont forget too these boxes are meant to be played against each other. 270 points for Admech in a 500 point format. And they have neither a tank nor any anti-tank.

  3. I was at my local shop and had the old Tyranid combat patrol in my hand…idk if I need 30 more Termaguants though, but I don’t have the other models, i actually have the leviathans set and the 20 termaguants and 2 rippers that come with Space marine 2 board game.
    Idk anyone think that the old Combat patrol could nearly round out my army(70 Termaguants and a handfuls of other models)

  4. I agree, GW is just plain greedy, and treats its customers like crap. I shall get Necron patrol, to expand my Kill Team. I do like the AdMech patrol, but it just is not worth it points wise, a pass .

  5. However you slice it, these boxes are bad. The AdMech box is a truly awful entry into that army given the low point count (no, it doesn't matter for that game mode, but it does matter if, like GW, you want people to build an entire army and not just the combat patrol). The Necron box having such a bad discount is particularly weird given that if you were going to get into Necrons, you were probably going to do it last iteration when there were many discount options. And discount options are still floating around on ebay; this is really the sort of deal I'd expect in 11e when all those leftovers have dried up.

    Both boxes really just need another unit in them. AdMech would go over much better with a Sicarian unit (because now you can build the Kill Team at the same time, even though the points aren't massively improved) and the Necrons really need another unit for flexibility and utility in that combat mode. Immortals/Deathmarks would do great at really fleshing out that line and giving us a lot more options, plus significantly raise the discount value at probably very marginal cost for GW.

    GW's business model very much thrives on FOMO. I wouldn't be surprised if they made a calculated decision to push out really bad boxes at first (SM/Tyranid players already have starter sets and Leviathan, Necron players just had 9e, and AdMech players get kinda hosed but that's par for the course) to encourage people to buy the existing combat patrol boxes up and then release 30%-ish discounts on the other boxes moving forward. That way they can be like, "golly, the community's right, so we made a change" while simultaneously driving FOMO to cause people to pick up combat patrol boxes that may not be relevant in 12-18 months.

  6. The Necron one is even less valuable now then it was on announcement, when it was announced the Indomitus pattern Overlord was still exclusive to the starter kits, now it’s getting an individual release

  7. The marine box just being a watered down version of the Leviathan box is pretty disappointing. Not sure why they would just automatically eliminate any potential buyer who bought the Leviathan box which wasn't released that long ago.

  8. you say you feel like you are being a bit negative because they are least doing discount boxes now but in your own words the first two boxes aren't discounted because you can just piecemeal it with the starter and either a character or a single box. And then the second wave is objectively less valuable than what we currently have. This is a huge step down and going to have long lasting negative effects on the hobby as a whole as new players can buy into other hobbies for significantly cheape

  9. The necron CP despite being less points is still a better box, I just hope Destroyers get improved in the codex. I cant say anything for the Ad Mech other than its a new discount box even at a 19% discount. At least GW had the smart idea of having both boxes be playable for CP. Unfortunately, given how good the Ork CP is, I think its gonna get replaced with a Beast Snagga CP just to switch it up with more recent models. More than likely it will pair well with the recent Battleforce and include units that werent in that box, similar to how the other battleforces paired well with their CP. I just hope GW could keep both around since other factions get variants like SM and Eldar

  10. GREEDWorkshop us ensuring more and more people will go to 3d printers. You can't even tell which of my intercessors are 3d or GW now. Itz getting better and better, GW will regret these constant price raises

  11. The decreased value lately (not just the prices themselves, also the points per euro) made me only buy new models from third party stores now. Before, I supported my local Warhammer shop despite knowing that I could get a lot of stuff 10-20% cheaper elsewhere. Not anymore…


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