Is Emily the next Lucifer? | Hazbin Hotel "Welcome to Heaven" Breakdown


What a week for Hazbin Hotel. The huge emotional Lucifer reveal episode, followed by some absolutely massive lore bombs in episode 6. PLUS the episode is set in HEAVEN, and some of the twists and turns this story and world are taking have me pretty excited about the possibilities here. This one is going to focus on episode 6 Welcome to Heaven, and, well.. HEAVEN, and the really exciting angles they’re taking with the society itself.

Edited by @ToonrificTariq

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Johnny 2 Cellos Theme Music – Norman Marston
Johnny 2 Cellos Theme REMIX- @BlackTyeChi

Video Used:
Hazbin Hotel Pilot (2019)
Hazbin Hotel (2024)

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37 thoughts on “Is Emily the next Lucifer? | Hazbin Hotel "Welcome to Heaven" Breakdown”

  1. the facts:
    . there is no suggestion of a presence of God,
    .no angel knows the rules therefore no mortal knows
    . sinners like Angel dust proven to improve
    . there is a secret extermination happening ordered by Adam, lute and seraphim sara
    . sara is head of the angelic court and she has the final say.

    in heaven it is governed by certain rules for mortal souls like 7 divine virtues to ascend and 7 deadly sins to descend but before Christ the rules was as harsh as angelic rules was severity of the action results in imminent damnation for a angel to have wings ripped off and cast to earth as a mortal then die then descend as a mortal soul without memory of being an angel, as each angel is a brother and sister they cannot kill one another so it is banishment, Christ came along and argued that the rules for mortals and the punishment for mortals is to severe that every mortal dies and descends it isn't mercy, just or right as a represent of purity and Good and the light to cast a soul to hell just trying to live and trying to do good, so he imposed a self sacrifice to wash away mortal sin and end of days he would descend to hell and free the damned from their torment as he believes that hell is a temporary place to wash out the sins of souls so they can be pure again before ascending and eternal slumbering, but there still has to be rules for mortals in place so Elohim had ten commandments as a moral guidance which is optional due to grey areas that is to do with individuality, situation, upbringing, understanding to follow and then 7 virtues and 7 sins that does impact the souls those who followed more virtues than sins in their lives can ascend those who did more sins than virtues would descend the same as a criminal is sentenced to prison for a certain time to account for wrong doings.

    history says it all Christianity as been known for hypocrisy, blasphemy, and going town a very dark path and use God to justify their wrongs such as the crusades of the knight templars to rid of pagan worshippers Greeks and Norse in particular and tried to towards Islamic and Judaism and murder and steal and expletive actions in the name of God, even today there is people who would go as far as hypocrisy and blasphemy and damage innocence using God as a shield and claim excuses there is corruption in the world

    this episode heavily applies that even corruption happens in the least places where you expect and they except one is not standing up to the corruption and lies and challenge with facts and truth and help Charlie give sinners a chance to be winners and stop blood shed and war and bad in general most of all the annual extermination and I think that Emily is the perfect candidate to help open eyes to angels and end the corruption and unify heaven and hell along with Charlie but not without problems that will arise thanks to Adam, lute and possibly sara

    but lets see what happens as i am on team Emily and Charlie ALL the way
    just my thoughts on the subject 😁

  2. Dude, I honestly agree with this. Especially the last part of this video here. I wish we had more episodes in this so we can explore the world thoroughly, see the characters progress more progressively, see more worlds in Hazbin thoroughly even get some Helluva Boss references in this show. If it wasn’t for the damn cancel cultures or whatever or whoever are giving us little to work with when it comes to animation.

  3. I still don't understand why there was a sinner child. Hellborn can reproduce, and also leave the pride ring, which I'm sure they do before a purge. Sinners cannot reproduce nor leave the pride ring. Viv said children don't go to hell (Hard to belive Martha and Ralphie's little cannibal monsters are in heaven) so is this a little person? I didn't think Vaggie would falter over that, if she knew there were no children

  4. I bet Charlie feels so conflicted right now, she’s all about redemption but the only person she truly trusts has spent their entire relationship lying. I think this fallout is gonna push alastor to interfere more since he never liked vaggie

  5. Did Adam go to hell after he died, and that's why he has horns, sharp teeth and a foul mouth and attitude?

    What if Adam was the first to go to hell but was brought back up to heaven for appearances, further showing the sin system for the lie that it is??

    It might've been obvious to some of you, but this is the first time we've seen what the average residents of heaven look like. And so far, only Adam looks like a demon with an angel paintjob

  6. It's currently speculated that the other deadly sins seen in Helluva Boss (Asmodeus, Queen Bee-lzebub, Mammon, etc.) are also fallen angels as well. Also, as others stated, the eldest of the Ars Goetia, such as Paimon.

  7. I think Sera is going to be the fallen angel. She's the one who agreed to let Adam commit genocidal sins with not repercussions, so it will all fall on her to take responsibility for the fallout. It's clear that the vast majority of Heaven are not ok with her decisions, so when THe Demons defend themselves with weapons made to harm angels. She's going to be the sole person to take the fall for the unnecessary lives lost that shouldn't have had to die in the first place.

  8. I think you missed one thing when they asked Adam how he got into Heaven. I believe in the Hazbin world people self asses themselves into Heaven or Hell. That's why the angels can't figure it out. That's why Adam can't really figure it out. His self assessment is that he was the first human and possibly never ate the fruit, thus he deserves to be there. All the Hotel residents all the people in Hell, You never once see them quest why they are there. It's because they already know. With the exceptions of Lucifer, Charlie, and Lilith. Charlie born there, the other two banished

  9. one plot point that i havent seen much discussion about is that if a bunch of angels do fall to hell they will probably become the new overlords, wanting to carve out their own domain to lick their wounds and regain some control and respect.

    at current the only reason the sinners are overlords is because lucifer is just checked out of leadership, and we see that he is able to easily outpower Alistor who is one of if not the strongest sinner around. so bringing a group of angry powerful beings into hell would spell chaos and carnage unlike any extermination before.

  10. Personally I think Charlie and Vaggie as a couple will be fine. Charlie's central driving philosophy is that "a soul can change" it would be very out of character for her to not to be able to forgive Vaggie of her past especially considering all of the work she has already done to make up for it.

  11. I like the potential of vaggies reveal being a cornerstone of examining any hypocrisy from.charlie. shes.all about redemption and second chances but will that hold up to someone that was an exorcist? Probably yes but they could have an interesting conflict along the way

  12. well she is an angel not a human angel just angel and she is kinda young probady younger that few first humans soo she can be replace for lucy, she is here to make people happy liek fun ect… who other like do fun stuff and live was for him just a party ? so it be funny if another angel of happiness go to hell, like is something wrong if angels made just to make other happy fail one by one XD

  13. I have a crazy theory about a possible connection between the two shows HH and HB.

    In Season 1 Episode 6 "Truth Seekers" in HB, when Blitz is tripping you see Moxxie portrayed with a old time radio voice very similar to Alastor. You also see all of the people he has wronged or feels guilt towards, so I am curious to see if Alastor plays apart of this. Could Alastor be the reason Blitz was able to get his own company (many imps have said to Blitz that he must be the first imp to run his own company) and could that guilt of knowing what is to come from his deal be shown there? It could also possibly explain how Alastor was able to rise in power so quickly, he could have outsmarted a hellborn.

    Its a crazy idea, but Vivzie has said multiple times that everything in the show is done on purpose and is there to further the story.

  14. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
    Free Congo 🇨🇩
    Free Sudan 🇸🇩
    Free Haiti 🇭🇹
    Free Tigray (I can't believe they do not have a flag emoji)
    And many other places too
    I was just writing this comment as a reminder to not look away from genocides and injustices that are actually happening in the real world. I have been such a fan of this show since the teaser Viviziepop dropped in 2017, and it honestly kinda breaks my heart to see how people can talk about the themes of the show and not even give a hint of sympathy or idk say something about people who are living through genocides in real time. I'm not asking for a video essay but like, idk, maybe a link to an organisation people can donate too should they have the means to do so. Or companies to boycott that monetarily support genocides. Off the top of my head I can recall there is the BDS list which is a focused movement of companies to boycott in support of Palestine.
    I suppose, the best thing I could ask people to do is to look for information about what problems are happening in these countries, and what people from those countries are saying we (people living in the US, Europe, western world in general) can do to help. This isn't meant to be a hate comment, just something I think is really important to not look away from or avoid.


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