Is Destiny 2 Worth Playing In 2022?

Almost 5 years in, is Destiny 2 worth playing? In this video, I jump back into Destiny 2 after a 4 year break to answer that question.

0:00 Introduction
0:56 New Player Experience & Monetization
10:06 Gameplay Thoughts
14:53 Solo vs Grouped Play
19:30 PVP
20:53 Conclusion

-Destiny 2 fan music by VoidSense
-cdk – Sunday by cdk (c) copyright 2016 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.


34 thoughts on “Is Destiny 2 Worth Playing In 2022?”

  1. I had around 3k hours before dumping the game because it got too expensive. I enjoy the gun play and art style, but it's a very gate keeping game in terms of how much you need to pay. Any other MMO would just sell you the latest expansion and everything before it given to you for free, but for Destiny you need to pay up for even the most basic thing. Not only that, but recommending it to new players is very difficult cause the original story was deleted and insufficiently replaced.

  2. Yesterday I saw a discount on epic for the destiny pack which contents game and the first 3 dlcs and then when I heard from my friend that forsaken is now unplayable and the og campagin is also non available, I decided to buy bf5 and screw destiny even though I love it's aesthetics and gameplay but I won't pay for sth I can't even play lol

  3. The social aspect of destiny is just not at all developed. Since D1 pvp team and strike voice chat has been opted out by default. You have to go out of your way to opt into those voice chats but again you’ll 100% be met with silence because the majority of players dont know it’s opted out by default, are causal, shy like you said, or know those opt in choices have been dead since the beginning and dont bother. It’s only social with friends and worked around with discord LFGs starting with D2. D1 it was just skype for me personally or xbox vc with friends and some lfg website with a silent player since none of my clanmates and me could be bothered with interacting with 1 rando for vault of glass of whatever D1 raid

  4. Destiny simply out-priced me.

    The content was not worth the cost anymore, and while it’s still one of the most visually stunning MMOs on the market (arguable the best in terms of PvP and just the general production quality) i can’t keep forking over $30,$40, sometimes near $100 for what amounts to new abilities and in-game weapons.

    The cost is justified for its quality; I just can’t see myself spending $200 after giving them $200+ in buying D1 and D2 (before it was F2P) plus expansions.

    Maybe if it had a more engaging story and if I could of somehow retained some of my legacy crap from D1 it would of felt like I was building something over the years.

    Maybe Destiny will get a soft reboot and will focus the DLC on better world-building and combat. I’ll pay real money for lasting content.

  5. its rough i have d2 and want to play so much but im watching endless hours of youtube and wiki contennt to understand the game im getting in to because they never took the time to give us d1. Plus like you said as a new player im absolutely lost and confused.

  6. Great video, as a year 1 triumph player, and I gave destiny 2 a go for a good bit. I gave up the game and recently had an itch to play again. This convinced me that I need to move on.

  7. I recently got back into Destiny and Im at 1560 power and I love the game…except for crucible…it is so damn sweaty and no fun. I love gambit most of the time. The power grind is just so slow unfortunately.

  8. Excellent perspective! The point about Destiny not being a social experience even though it is marketed as such is so very true. That and the grind and how difficult it is to get into it are the reason why I quit playing.

  9. Gonna get back into destiny 2 after probably 3 + years! Used to play so much and even played the first destiny on my Xbox 360 a lot many years ago. My account name in bungie and ps4 is jaacobb2_ let me know if you wanna play together!!

  10. You hit the nail on the head… I couldn't agree more!! I gave up when I couldn't continue with a quest unless I completed a dungeon where I needed team mates. They literally stopped me from completing my quest. This game is only for those who know others who play. It is a shame, however Bungie truly do not care about player experience.

  11. I loved destiny 1, had almost 1500 hours played. Destiny 2 was a huge let down for me and only lasted for a year before I called it quits. Was thinking about coming back and giving it a second try

  12. Honestly I don't get why someone would play a MMO solo and expect to have a great time. It's meant to be played with others, even if you don't already have friends. You can just make them along the way.
    The community is mostly very welcoming and even though I had a few bad experiences, as long as you're clear about wanting to learn a raid or a dungeon, many are willing to teach, even if you don't have a mic believe or not. You will just have to type though.
    It's so easy to ask for help from the app or discord for an activity, or better yet join a clan and try to do stuff together. It's miles more fun.


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