Is Bungie Trying to Kill PvP?

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26 thoughts on “Is Bungie Trying to Kill PvP?”

  1. As a solo player, sbmm sucks, I'm fine getting my shit rocked every once in a whle, not every match after my first match, screw running bountys and chores I play sometimes just to play

  2. Even though I'm burned out of FFXIV currently, I still would rather drink anti freeze over play another second of Destiny 2. If I could refund my Lightfall pre-order on PS4, I absolutely would but Sony has a dogshit refund policy

  3. Blame the content creators. They whined for removal of SBMM the last time then posted videos of them 6 stacking and laughing at blueberries.

    You lost the fight with a large majority of the playerbase after that.

  4. It's impressive that a game that is patched every week has so many issues. Bungie is creativly tapped out. They have no solutions for PVP, they are focusing on other projects outside of D2

  5. Skill Based Matchmaking is a joke anyway
    I'm bottom of the barrel trials player. My whole team is, ngl. Flawless pool activates today, and somehow we're going against the top .2% team on our 2nd match, lol

  6. No offense but your idea of SBMM being an opt in future is not a very good idea. The reason is it will split the play base in half. Just look at competitive freelance. Competitive freelance is very bad and not fun to play even before SBMM was put in to the casual playlist Now what I would recommend you do in order to help good players and new players in Destiny 2 is have outlier protection. True Vanguard have been suggesting this for years and from where I’m standing it’s the best thing they could put into the casual playlist for Destiny 2.

  7. Destiny has the gunplay of Cyberpunk and desync as bad as Halo Infinite except theirs is masked by class ability particle fx and grindy ever changing meta weapon ttk. And D2 mains always talk about their high skill ceilings but never leave D2 long enough to prove it in actual skill based competitive shooters like Apex or COD 🤣🤣🤣

  8. I'm an okay player(some good clips here and there but overall fine) and I'm split. On one hand bad players should have an incentive to get better and good players shouldn't have to deal with people ruining their games. The only problem is that the bads don't wanna learn and the goods don't want to teach, and honestly if you do it right they shouldn't have to. Played with a older guy who hasn't played a lot the other day and I worked with him and he improved severely, my whole team was bagging on him but I could tell all he wanted to do was have fun. He just followed me and basically copied my loadout(not the best idea like I said I'm just okay) and he had some fun and thanked me for it.

    My whole idea is some of the weapon nerfs have made casuals angry and good people irritated at them while the middle ground people have to suffer from both. I was okay with a sniper and was trying to get better with moving and quick scoping and such with some guides then the nerf to flinch has made it a lot harder. I won't complain because I know I need to get better it's just a little annoying. I think something that would help casuals and bads alike would for bungie to promote videos and topics about getting better in a guide on their page or something, instead of digging for videos and forum posts, most pf which aren't caught up to current metas.

  9. I'm a casual player and I absolutely Hate SBMM it's the reason why I left call of duty and came back to destiny and I haven't played it since the calus raid and I cam back in 2021 and got to enjoy crucible and then SBMM reared it's ugly head and I literally do not enjoy crucible anymore

  10. Thanks for the hard work…I agree…I'm a better player than I used to be. But that's because I put forth the effort. I still get stopped. That's ok..makes me betrer.

  11. I don't want sbmm, but they force us PvE people to play pvp as quest steps. I get you don't like PvE, but we don't like pvp. It's the forced into it that creates issues. If they removed the requirements to play pvp, a lot of people never would. I suspect they do this to pad lobbies in general

  12. People who complain that hand cannons and shotguns were the meta for so long and that gets boring are the same people who use nothing but pulse rifles since the game came out.


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