Is Bill Gates Dangerous? | #9

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You most likely know who Bill Gates is: the founder of Microsoft, a computer programmer, and a centi-billionaire (with a net worth of over 100 billion dollars).
In recent years, you may have seen him in the news discussing topics such as medicine, farming, global population, and sustainability. You might ask yourself, “Why is a computer programmer suddenly a voice of authority on any of these topics?” That’s a good question.
Bill Gates maintains a benevolent facade through his humanitarian efforts, donating billions of dollars to global research in areas such as food, medicine, and housing. However, all of these interests disguise and facilitate a sinister worldview.
In this episode of “Ideas Have Consequences,” we will discuss Bill Gates’ utilitarian and utopian worldview. Gates sees everything—food, land, energy, money, and even human beings—as resources that can be allocated for the “common good” of the planet. Gates believes he is an arbiter of everything on earth because of his wealth and influence. Gates is an atheist elitist who holds nothing but contempt for humanity.

Time Codes

00:00 Why is Bill Gates a vaccine expert?
00:40 Ideas Have Consequences Show opening
02:27 What are Conspiracy Theories?
06:05 Tome Special Offer
07:46 What are Conspiracy Theories?
09:46 Overpopulation video clip. #1
12:05 Bill and Melinda Gates
16:25 Peter Singer
18:35 Celebrity entitlement
20:38 Bill Gates interview video clips #2
21:43 Death Panels
22:50 Aktion T4
24:50 The False Dilemma fallacy
30:32 Bill Gates climate change video #3
34:30 Ideologues
38:48 Bill Gates Darwinian thinking
41:00 Major Barbara
41:55 Who does Bill Gates think he is?
44:15 Bill Gates depopulation Fact Checkers
46:30 Bill Gates Foundation money article
50:45 Simmons Euthanasia Ad
52:39 MAIDS – Medical Assistance in dying
54:30 What can you do?
59:35 Book recommendations



40 thoughts on “Is Bill Gates Dangerous? | #9”

  1. These people are extending themselves out to the end of the rope. They will gang themselves. Hope sooner. They are putting us in Danger. God be with us.❤️🙏🙏🇱🇷🇱🇷✝️

  2. Sad to think the free world will consist of wealthy..corrupt..sociopathic leaders of the world..can only imagine they will end up killing each other because More is never enough to satisfy their appetite for greed..what kind of society will they themselves build for themselves

  3. Bill Gates is not a computer nothing he's a fallen angel that's why he do so the wicked thing them that he do not I understand that you want to wipe out black people and he wants to start from Africa to the Caribbean what let the Fallen Angel know that God is not going to him that's power to wipe out black people we are the chosen people of God and Bill Gates is going to go back to the cave were he belongs so he better shut his reptile mouth he is the devil that's why he is made in evil medicine for us what black people have been wake and he is going down judgment is here for him and he is not going to get away from it for a he not going to get the chance to kill us out his judgment has come 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 Jamaica Jamaica 🇯🇲

  4. Omg I been saying this since the pandemic. Tell the truth!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you. He needs to be in federal prison for crimes against humanity. This is why his wife left him. He has stolen and crawled his way up to the top. I hope he rots for him, Fucci and whoever else is involved. Epstein too. Farmland is terrifying to think he can be putting things in food.

  5. Genetically, maybe he is not a lizard, but he looks like one. Awesome sociopathic lizard-looking dick. And all his billions won't help him get a human-looking face lift

  6. Yes enabling fertilised egg cell and the thing that's wrong with this is that it isn't natural at all, it goes against the order literally written in nature in this world its like taking the cell from an egg cell fertilised that would then be human and putting it into some sort of incubator without even waiting for even 2 months (supposed to be at least 8 ) to pass by in the actual mothers womb.

  7. How the hell he was made by a man and a woman Bill gates isn’t God seriously isn’t he human so he should be on the list to be depopulated
    His name says it all☝🏼

  8. Please don't say that Bill Gates is a programmer. HI IS NOT AND NEVER HAS BEEN. Where does his evil intentions arise from. And how does he accomplish his wicked intentions, such as killing kids in Africa under the guise of "philanthropist? Africa no longer wants anything to do with this genocide advocate.

  9. Gill Bates has the money to feed everyone in the world over and over again.. but instead he puts his money into destroying the earth and k1llng people off… And he loves to try and play God

  10. How about, "The Taunton Titans"? AY? Has a pretty good ring to it, no? YES!! THE TAUNTON TITANS!! It has a nice ring to it. A very nice ring, if I was to say so myself, and I do. So, THERE 🙃

  11. He sold his soul along with Elon and all the others . God says you can only serve one master God or money. God says don't call conspiracy what this generation calls conspiracy.


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