IS A SHIP GOOD OR BAD? How I Determine Ship Performances | Azur Lane

Again, I’m not one to enjoy tier listing ships and people always asks me to do this. However, I will tell you guys how I determine whether a ship is going to be to my liking or not with this video.

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33 thoughts on “IS A SHIP GOOD OR BAD? How I Determine Ship Performances | Azur Lane”

  1. To me, a person can be seen as oldbie. A "good" ship is when she has a role that no one does better/only she can do. Even if that role is extremely rarely needed, as long as she can do it, I will still prioritize her. Although an extremely strong ship, but if all of her roles had better options, I would still rate her as "bad" at the moment.

    A prime example is FDG, a once-monster, now powercreeped on all fronts. Include fighting boss and clear map, exercise,….

  2. Good news is that you can use just about any ship on most maps. The min max stuff only matters for the hardest content. I am running the new dragon empery ships in world 12 to level them now.

  3. Good discussion. I have a question. Nagato sadly lacks consistency and yet still is sort of part of premium at least before York II for IJN carriers is she still in a good spot or was it a case of need to?

  4. Probably one of the few games out there where you don't need THE meta to enjoy all the content or most of it. And you can enjoy having your waifus in your main without any issue at all. Nowadays where in any game you install, ppl tell you use this unit, this one, this one and that one, and most of the times if you don't use them you will hit a hard wall. Lately I enjoy more the gachas by choosing waifus over meta and trying to make them work.

  5. There are some ships that I need to analyze first before I know how useful they are. But there are also some cases when I just need to bring them to a sortie once, and I already know how good they are. Musashi is the example of the latter lol

  6. I agree with your assessment of which BB will be kicked first and how it’s most likely we get more Iowa’s before Yamato but we could have the super Yamato with 20 inch guns as a DR as she’s been in world of warships for a while. So I can see loads of IJN Yamato derivatives or prototypes being added more often than Iowa’s with Yamato being after everyone else. Japan had loads of competing designs for Yamato and lots of retrofit and successor ideas which is why in world of warships the IJN has more high tier battleships than everyone else because most of their designs were for the Yamato. So if AL adds say Missouri who works well with New Jersey Musashi might be kicked but if they add say a super Yamato or another super battleship concept as a research ship NJ might be kicked first. The US navy definitely have more UR gacha potential but the IJN definitely has more DR research potential.

  7. I think a lot of the future UR BBs will have more specific requirements than the ones we have right now. Iowas will be best used with NJ, Yamato best with Musashi, and Lion will probably be best used in an HMS fleet. They'll all have a specific niche within that, rather than being OP generalists like Vanguard/Musashi/NJ.

  8. I know that you don’t like tier lists Kimo, but, how is New Jersey? Can you tell me the pros and cons she has? Like a update on her cause she will have a rerun and it would be nice to know what is happening to her. Since you know, many meta changes.

  9. About the JJA comp, how can you complete the fleet?
    I was thinking if going full HMS, King George V and Queen Elizabeth, or Unicorn+Perseus and add Bellona for the air raid assistance

  10. What I recommend is looking at Main gun efficiency and multiplying with MGM. The thing why plymouth is op and why I was pretty sure she was from the start is, if you do that with her:
    Good CLs have about ~150% Efficiency or ~125% with MGM+1, which means a total of 250%. Plymouth has MGM+2, so fires 3 salvos a 120%, which makes a total of 360%. Combine that with a good FP stat and voila, you get something as strong as plymouth

  11. Azure lane is hard to make a meta list. Most of the roster will do just fine. It goes down really to their synergy. Role. And content your going for.

    Fleet setup matter more than just the ships themselves

  12. I mean…if your level 100+ ship with level 10+ equipment is blasting apart ships in an event where the max level is maybe 75 for the AI enemy…
    I'd be confident in saying its a good ship.
    You cant really have good or bad ships in the game because everything can be defeated by just being a higher level.


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