Ironborn Rebellion – Greyjoy Revolt – Game of Thrones Lore DOCUMENTARY

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Wizards and Warriors animated fantasy documentary lore video series on GRR Martin’s world of Ice and Fire continues with the aftermath of the episode describing the madness of king Aerys II Targaryen ( and Robert’s Rebellion ( The Baratheon dynasty has assumed the throne under Robert after the battle of the Trident, but not everyone believes it is strong enough and Balon Greyjoy – the leader of the Iron islands, declares himself the king and starts the Ironborn Rebellion

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Writer: Frank Ó’hÁinle
Illustration and Animation: Vlad Krivokonev (
Map: Adam Ellis Charters
Narration: OfficiallyDevin (
Editing: Kamran Maharramli
Producer: Nurlan Karimov

#Lore #Fantasy #GameofThrones


23 thoughts on “Ironborn Rebellion – Greyjoy Revolt – Game of Thrones Lore DOCUMENTARY”

  1. if there is to be a prequel show it should be about the rebellion.
    there are several reasons, firstly it ocurrs close enough to the events of the original show not to feel foreign to that viewing experience
    there were no dragons , no white walkers and no or at least very little magic. "BuT DrAgOnS aRe CoOl" NO because it wasn't a show about dragons, neither was it a show about surviving a zombie apocalypse.

    it was a show about high court politics and the results thereoff set in a fictional but by historical events, characters and places-inspired world. anything could happen, anyone could die and because of it we were at the edge of our seats.

    Robert's rebellion allows for that same feeling despite everyone knowing how it ends. for the blanks you simply ask george rr martin to fill them in.

    something very important is that you have the same build up as early got, small sections of each episode following spread out characters, that way you can't really get bored (remember the Bran sections)

    the next point is one that people may get angry for but here it is, do not treat westeros (which represents medieval Britain/Europe+-) like the modern day US, if you introduce non european characters you do it in a lore friendly way, (for instance you can have a mercenary company from Essos/summer isles/…) no forced diversity, (velarions)

    they could begin the show earlier, a season of buildup, the duskendale uprising, the tourney at Harrenhall, dynamic between Peter Bailish and the Tullies, Jaime becoming a kingsguard, Tywin being hand of the king (for Tywin you either need the same actor with make up and hair dye or you need a superbly capable younger actor with the same amount of "gravitas")
    (many things could be padded by george rr martin)

    I would actually propose that a rudimentary novelised backstory is written and based on that a script is made up.

    lore is key, people care about that, often far more than even the author would, the rules, the boundaries the historical basis, these things make it fun, make it relateable.

  2. Thanks for letting everyone know about Stannis Baratheon being one of the best battle commanders in Westeros. Ned Stark, Randyl Tarly, Jason Mallister, Tywin Lannister and his brother Kevan being the other great commanders.
    2) Dorne was the only realm that had beef with Robert Baratheon and obviously that’s because of Elia Martell and her children’s death
    3) Balon Greyjoy didn’t rebel because of anything other than he thought since Robert Baratheon could do it so can he. He wasn’t discontent with Robert’s rule nor did he have any grievances.
    4) Barristan Selmy was only the best fighter because Sir Arthur Dayne most likely died after the tower of Joy. Dayne was a match for him 1v1, but armed with Dawn Arthur wins period.

  3. balon is idiot fighting robert

    robert BARATHEON, his wife is LANNISTER, his best friend is ned STARK, he spent his childhood in jon ARRYN house as ward along with ned, ned and jon are son in law of house TULLY

    how dumb can you be, fighting at least 5 major house

  4. If you are taking ideas and suggestions for future videos, perhaps you can do some battle / war videos for the Blights in Dragon Age. There are some epic battles in the history of those games that left the land scarred and ruined.

  5. Show Stannis Baratheon some Respect he crushes the remaining loyalist forces at Dragonstone and TOOK the ancestral seat of house Targaryen by force arms he wasn't GIVEN it by some cowardly knights

    Don't you think it's strange that only Dany and Viserys remember the MASSIVE storm that was apparently raging in the middle of Robert's Rebellion and destroyed the entire loyalist fleet?

    That's because Viserys definitely made it up and Dany doesn't know what she's talking about because she was apparently just born and smuggled away JUST before Stannis showed up with His MASSIVE fleet and somehow managed to let the only ship that survived the storm escape?

    At this point let's be realistic, Viserys is a obvious liar and people need to stop using Dany has a historical source on anything

    Especially anything concerning Robert's Rebellion or history in general because she has been spoon fed Targaryen propaganda from birth

  6. The Iron Islanders fortune with Westeros depends on how much they try to incorporate themselves with the mainlanders. They seemingly prosper if they identify and trade with the Westerosi but in war they unite the Iron Throne against them. It’s like a vicious back-and-forth game.

  7. Balon Greyjoy:" You may kill me but you can't call me traitor. No Greyjoy has ever sworm an oath to a Baratheon"
    Robert Baratheon:" Swear one now or lose that stubborn head of yours"

  8. It’s funny how ppl like “Randyl tarley” would still allow his daughter to marry a Greyjoy when they raid & rape the main islanders like the so called “Wildlings” do but he hated the wildlings so much and they disgust him but iron born is ok to accept smh …I hate randyl tarley sooo much just as much as I hate Cersei & Joffrey


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