Iran's President CANCELS Interview Over Head Scarf

Christiane Amanpour said that no other Iranian president has ever asked her to wear a head scarf outside of Iran. Cenk Uygur, Jayar Jackson and Ben Carollo discuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET.

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“As Iran erupted in violence over the death of a young woman in the custody of the “morality police,” CNN’s chief international correspondent, Christiane Amanpour, had her own run-in over a headscarf with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.

Raisi suddenly pulled out of a long-planned interview in New York after Amanpour refused his last-minute demand to wear a headscarf. “It was very unsettling,” Amanpour said Thursday on CNN’s “New Day.”

The unusual confrontation occurred as protesters battled police in the wake of the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in police custody. She had been arrested last week by Iranian “morality” police because her headscarf was allegedly too loose to comply with the nation’s strictly enforced Islamic clothing restrictions for women.”


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46 thoughts on “Iran's President CANCELS Interview Over Head Scarf”

  1. The communist chick just can't stick to the story. Possibly the worst commentator on TYT right now. And Amanpour clearly hates women and islam. The hijab and burka are feminist symbols of religious freedom and the right to choose. Down with the patriarchy.

  2. apparently there is not much of a difference between Iranians and MAGAts, they all think they can control what everybody does with their religious garbage.

  3. Ppl have the right to choose how they dress! It doesn't matter if they're men or women, it doesn't matter what their religion or their government says.

    Freedom is the right of all sentient beings.

  4. آقای رئیسی نباید به کشوری سفر کند که زنان با مردان برابرند. یک رئیس جمهور باید یاد بگیرد که به فرهنگ ملل دیگر احترام بگذارد یا از شغلی که با فرهنگ او سازگار نیست استعفا دهد .
    درود بر خانم امانپور بابت معتبر بودن🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  5. If she and the reporters like her have accepted the rule before and went and interviewed them before and accepted wearing the scarf, by which help them to impose their wishes much easier, why is she becoming a rebel now . Is it for her advancement now as it was before to improve her image and ratings , etc. You are not helping anybody by only thinking about yourself

  6. He wanted respect? How about your archaic self respect our country's norms.

    I don't care what or who people pray to or believe…….but when it affects others or is pushed onto others is where I say GFY 😉😘

    Islam has the most ridiculous practices 🙄

  7. My question is this. What does it matter? As long as it stays in Iran it should not matter in the least. Getting involved in the way other Countries do things has led America and the rest of the world into way to many wars. I do not agree with anything Iran does. That said as long as it stays inside Iran's Boarders and has no impact on American Citizens why should we even care? Once it crosses the Boarder then it is a different Story. As for the info-babe not wanting to wear a head covering well that was her choice as it was this Terrorists choice not to take the interview

  8. 100% agree with the prez. Either she sports a burka or a high jab or she can go fake herself. The femmes on this channel also need to be made mandatory to wear a hijbab. They need to be publicly lashed and humiliated if they don’t.

  9. The interviewer knows what she is doing. She is trying to make Iran buckle on their prevention of cultural contamination by the West and its mafia culture, which worships slutting and sexual deviance. She wants to make it look like Itan's President doesn't stand with his police and to further politicize this situation rather than attempting to learn more about it.
    RIP to the young woman who was murdered.

    These Western manipulators who want to destroy every culture and replace it with capitalism, drug addiction, sex addiction, pedophilia and crime need to be stood up to, by Western feminists, by Gays, by Islamists, by the Catholic Church. They are the greatest threat to global peace and prosperity for the time being. They are waging a war against all of us, across borders, across racial lines, across religious lines. They want to control our speech, our sex, our finances, our thoughts, they want to monitor everything we do, they want to force us to breed our races into extinction, and they're succeeding at razing our civilization to the ground. Iran will figure out what it wants to be on its own. Had we not imposed our culture and economic goals on them in the first place, they wouldn't be under Sharia Law right now, millions of people wouldn't have been in poverty, and this young woman would be alive today. There are boundaries that any self-respecting people should assert and Western Mafia Capitalists refuse to respect them. End the sanctions regime, end the War on

  10. It'd be nice if American reporters cared as much about accountability for American police as they seem to be caring about these Iranian officers. I feel like you really should be reporting the shit that goes on at home before you start pointing and saying how bad things are elsewhere.

  11. When someone shows you and tells you who they are, believe them. Iran's Mullahs are true believers, religious fundamentalists thru and thru. Asking them to "respect your beliefs" is absurd because to them, your beliefs are blasphemous. And to them, their beliefs ARE facts. Their brain is wired in a way that they are incapable of objectivity: the very thought of questioning those beliefs is supremely sacrilegious to them.

  12. Chinese-controlled American Communists: "America used to have slavery, so America must be destroyed, and we don't care how many African-Americans suffer in the process!" #1 It was an extremely small percentage of American farmers who ever owned slaves to begin with. #2 Black African men were the ones who sold other black men into slavery, and they continue doing it even today. #3 Millions of white men fought and died in the Civil War to free the slaves. #4 The only reason farmers (both black and white) used black Africans to work in the field was because their dark skin was more resilient to being out in the sun all day, otherwise they would have just enslaved white people. #5 There have been countless groups of white people who were enslaved throughout history (but we never want to talk about that). #6 We're basically all slaves today, even though our standard of living has increased dramatically due to modern technology. #7 Even black American farmers owned black slaves (ANTHONY JOHNSON). #8 The black-on-black murder rate and fatherless-child rate is higher than any other race, so they seem to be their own worst enemy……zuzuz

  13. As a nation outside of Africa, the U.S. military has more indigenous-African immigrants within its ranks than any other nation in the entire world, but the Communists who are attacking us claim that we're sooooo racist… (The Russian military has zero black people; same thing with the Chinese military. Also, in Russia and China, black people aren't allowed to serve in government positions or play on national sports teams. Russia and China basically made it impossible for Africans to immigrate there and black people in China and Russia get harassed and persecuted every day. It's also illegal to be gay in Communist countries.) Capitalists are the least racist people on earth, but Communists are ULTRA racist. DEATH TO ALL COMMUNISTS. COMMUNISTS ARE THE NEW NAZIS…..djzuz

  14. Typical, it's a man's ruling that woman have to wear head scarfs. To show respect for men? Men dont deserve respect most times because they demand it? For modesty? The modern woman evolves through time so sooner or later that will be a thing of the past. This is why woman get paid less, have less power and become slaves because those men want control over all aspects of others lives. I hate that

  15. Headline: Islam is a religion of peace…The LGBTQ Community is Styling and Thriving in Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and other Middle Eastern Countries…This is why the LGBTQ stands with Islam hand in hand against Israel who oppresses Muslims and the LGBTQ.

  16. 💖💗💓 Thanks for reporting on this. I used to belong to a religion where I had to cover my hair. I will never do it again. Ever. So proud of Amanpour for requesting the same respect that the Iranian President demanded of her. I have so much sympathy for the Iranian people. For me, there was nothing worse than being terrorized by a religion. What you, TYT hosts, said about the history of this situation is spot on.

  17. I wish she had agreed to wear the headscarf, and then during the interview ask him to put an orange cone on his head to show respect to her new beliefs. Then ask him if he'd have a heart attack if she took off her headscarf. And then take it off. The recorded reaction would be priceless.

  18. Benjamin doesn’t seem that aware of Iran’s history. He juxtaposes the 60s and 70s with the current repressive regime of Iran, completely neglecting the fact that the CIA backed Shah was in power during those years, which, in turn, contradicts his earlier point.

  19. Yet we allow these backwoods ignorant misogynistic psychopaths to exist on earth. Bidding there time collect and gathering money and weapons. The demand respect but murder anyone they want. These people will be a problem, they already are. This problem will only become much more. A head scarf? That's what kills the deal? He was literally In this country? Tell me what would happen if any American step foot in there country?

  20. "If we had not" dam guys seriously… that can be applied to all humanity for the past 3-5K years! And like always WTH does that have to do with people/governments just respecting their their fellow citizens and Earthlings? How the US treats Iran is one thing, how Iran treats its citizens is something else. BTW Cenk I thought everyone at CNN was a complete scumbag now, why do you keep using their stories and material?


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