Iranian-backed Houthi boats sunk by US Navy helicopters

The Iranian-backed militants on boats attacked a commercial ship and fired at U.S. helicopters before being sunk, U.S. officials said.


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20 thoughts on “Iranian-backed Houthi boats sunk by US Navy helicopters”

  1. اینکه آمریکاییهای متعصب از شکست سه قایق شبه نظامی توسط هلیکوپترهای جنگی نیروی دریایی خود اینقدر خوشحال میشوند نشانه ضعف آمریکا هست. خوشحالی شما مثل شکست دادن یک ناو هواپیمابر است .
    این نشان میدهد که چگونه ایران شما را مسخره کرده است😂😂😂😂

  2. Yeah, ABC News! All they are, are "militants", just like illegal aliens are just "immigrants". I found it difficult to get past the first opening 10 seconds of this piece of "journalism", although I guess in some ways you have to admire the American Democrat Communist and their media allies in the way they function as a well-oiled machine, all on the same page no matter what the issue. One of the key objectives is to seize the language within our culture, and they have been very successful at that over the years.

  3. So what an Iranian Ship move in these szene ! There is no reason for US ships to be there in The red Sea ! Its not US Theretory there to protec . Thats an local conflikt ! US said we protect the crimal acting Israel cause they are our frinds or whatever reason , is a joke ! The USA are not the World Police and have to show up in every conflict to help idots like Nethanjahu ! USA have to learn that ! The USA are not the Worlds Police , Prossecuter and Judge of everybody in the World. The USA need to fix their inner state Problems . Its enough to do with that !

  4. I want you all to look up Houthi and see it states alleged Iran backs Houthi. The information does NOT say Iran Backs them thus puts ABC news to face court over that statement as fake news. We know Israel want a false flag incident against Turkey Egypt Jordon Syria Yemen Suadi Arabia Iran all Arab Nations and even South Africa now.

  5. Its SO ridiculous the U.S. Navy uses a 5 billion dollar ship to kill and sink a boat that's worth maybe $ 5,000 dollars. How come the container ship can't hire a mercenary group so we don't have to deal with such nonsense????


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