Interview With Stella Assange, Wife of Julian Assange: Journalist and Political Prisoner

Video starts at 13:43
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About Richard Medhurst: #RichardMedhurst is an independent journalist and commentator born in Damascus. He is half British, half Syrian and speaks four languages: English, French, Arabic and German. His reporting focuses primarily on international relations, the Middle East and US politics, rooted in anti-imperialism. Medhurst is one of few journalists who covered the Julian Assange extradition hearing in London; he has done extensive coverage on Palestine, the Iran Nuclear Deal and war on Syria.
Regular live streams and interviews, with popular guests from the Left such as Glenn Greenwald, Jimmy Dore, Max Blumenthal (Grayzone) and more. Other previous guests include the Russian and Palestinian Ambassadors, the Foreign Minister of Venezuela and numerous other foreign dignitaries and United Nations officials.
Richard Medhurst has appeared on George Galloway RT, Al Mayadeen, Alikhbaria, Black Agenda Report, The Canary and various other international news outlets.



#richardmedhurst #medhurst #assange #julianassange #stellaassange #stellamoris


29 thoughts on “Interview With Stella Assange, Wife of Julian Assange: Journalist and Political Prisoner”

  1. Video starts at 13:43
    ►Support the show on Patreon:
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  2. On what basis is the USA regime even daring to think they have a right to demand custody of a foreign citizen? He's not answerable or subject to the USA regime. Sadly Britain is a puppet of the USA and both are subservient to their ultimate masters the Satanic Communist Talmudic Zionist Khazarian Mafia in Occupied Palestine

  3. Thank you again Richard for efforts to try to communicate complete understanding of the 4th amendment and the First Amendment and how Assange servant of the public is being persecuted and tortured by American lawmakers who willfully ignore the fourth and the First Amendment when it suits their purposes that are obviously nefarious

  4. I feel for them so much. They just want to live and be together. Journalists revealing leaked info should never be imprisoned. Making it 100% clear that this info is all true. My favorite wikileaks is of the tiananman square incident email about NO massacre occurring. The guilty ones are holding him hostage

  5. Most people have no idea what it really feels like to be in a small cell room by yourself in solitary confinement for years. It in of itself is a form of torture. With noone to talk to you slowly go crazy. I know Assange's pain of being locked up in a cell room for years but I can't even begin to imagine how he's feeling after being in solitary confinement for years. The only chance I believe Assange goes free is if Trump is elected. I believe he will pardon Assange and Snowden just as a "fuck you" to the deep state for trying to get him on the bullshit Espionage charges too.

  6. Hi Richard, this is a great interview with Stella Assange. That Patel woman signed Julian's deportation to "The Old Colonies" on 20th April '22, it is such a coincident that it was signed on that day, a day which is celebrated by a vast numbers of Anglo/Nordics being the Birthday of a certain gentleman who was leader of a certain 1930s German Party which is still striving vey well!!.

  7. Australia is still a Commonwealth to the UK, so of course the Australian Gov are going to do everything that the UK Gov say. In the 70s the Australian who represented the UK/Australian Queen even sacked one of our Prime Ministers. Australia had a referendum to be a Republic but it was bogus and didn't pass. This is why Australia needs to be a Republic so it can be a sovereign State that truly can support, stand up for and fight for its citizen's rights.


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