INTERVIEW: Rage against the war machine. #NickBrana and the coalition of the unwilling

โ€œINTERVIEW: The #US can find endless funds to pursue #Natoโ€™s war in #Ukraine and it would rather spend it on weapons than โ€ฆ


32 thoughts on “INTERVIEW: Rage against the war machine. #NickBrana and the coalition of the unwilling”

  1. uk ad us citizen will not stand against it as they just let their govern do whatever they want la ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜กwhich is quite sad, destroy country themselves but the suffering are the working class citizens ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  2. This guy Nick is ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘he knows us inside out how bad they are, he is intelligent, wish everyone is like him, then world is in better place and have peace

  3. I get the impression though…. the U.S. admin and the military industrial complex…. ACTUALLY WANT NUCLEAR WAR….? …. and WHY…. well…. I don't want to sound too tin foil here but…. I think it may be planned as a means to rebirth a 'new world' and …. 'new order'.
    I ALSO WOULD SUGGEST… 'the people' of the U.S. and UK no longer matter…. and haven't for a long time….. people are living under bridges simply because…. YOU DON'T MATTER….
    THINK OF WHAT IS PROBABLY PLANNED AS 9 11 MK 2…. except with a nuclear attack.

  4. War is a profitable industry that the puppet politicians do their bidding. If we do not end war as has been stated war will end us and life on earth.
    Where are the peacemakers because peace is hard but necessary to save mankind.

  5. this is an illegal war. no one wants it barr those in governance and those in governance are not interested in what we, the rest of us want or dont want. they only want our money, our tax money, gathered under law on false pretext. putin is the only sane, rational and right voice in all of this

  6. The British government, with the help of BBC , Radio 4, and World Service, is a well-oiled propaganda machine. The British people are ignorant and kept in the dark.

  7. NICK you need to consider your reference to 'tax payers' money' – today, digital money is created on screens,
    it had no tie to Gold, and as such is INFINITE. States are NOT reliant on Taxation to spend.
    BUT, the gist of your sentiment is wholly correct – the corrupt, criminal political class is pumping
    vast sums of money into its allies pockets, whilst inflicting misery on citizens.
    For more on this, I point you, and my peers, to Prof. Richard Wolff, and Professor Steve Keen –
    much content on this platform, and their respective websites.

  8. IF a new politics is eventually realised in the USA, among the first 2
    things that need attending to – 1. Genuine public owned Health Care (learn from what has been done to the
    UK's NHS – make it REAL public ownership – not simply a public ownership faรงade which still facilitates
    Private Sector profiteering!) And 2. Lets replenish Native Americans' reserves, and give real
    political power to the 'real' owners of this land mass! < So often showing so much more wisdom, morality
    and fortitude than their colonial-descent peers!

  9. Russia attacks a friendly fellow Slavic nation killing its men, women and children and we โ€œ The Westโ€ are the warmongers. Tell you what arrange an anti war protest in Moscow. See what happens to you there.

  10. Western propaganda is very strong in Ukraine and the former Soviet Union countries. ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜• People in these countries (especially in Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan) have a lot of trust in the US government and Zelensky. Now in these countries the population is set against Russia. Everywhere they write words of gratitude to the United States for supplying weapons to Ukraine. Unfortunately, they are brainwashed.

  11. All of a sudden america UK and western Europe are a violent people look at the anglo Saxon history and I don't know why Russia is still talking about peace with them Putin should realize that america UK and western Europe are trying to destroy Russia and china no peace with them the only way there will be peace is to destroy america UK and western Europe that the bottom line

  12. Wow he nailed it spot on, we need young men like these teaching the young generation about war mongering governments whoโ€™s currency is death & destruction..

  13. In order to restore our sovereignty over our fascist, out of control government in Washington D.C. and to end their criminal terrorist activity around the globe, We the People of the United States must overthrow the fascist Democratic-Republican Duopoly Oligarchy Mafia Cabal that has totally perverted the Constitution of the United States with corporate cash.


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