Internal Affairs Complaint Against Tyrant Sgt Filed! We The People Return To The Danbury City Hall

I had to edit & re-upload this video because for some reason it was censored by Youtube* Hit the Like button & Share to Fight โ€ฆ


38 thoughts on “Internal Affairs Complaint Against Tyrant Sgt Filed! We The People Return To The Danbury City Hall”

  1. Fellow Freedom Lovers, I was forced to edit & re-upload this video because YouTube for some unknown reason decided to censor it. Please take a second to hit the Like button & Share this video to fight against YouTube censorship! I appreciate all of you! We the People arenโ€™t finished with Danbury! Stay tuned!

  2. Sean we love what you are doing. Keep these tyrants on their toes. I love how you showed up to the mayor's coronation asking questions! WE THE PEOPLE will not stand by and have our right infringed.

  3. You should try to get a website to upload censored content. I know many youtubers who are making a 1-minute video to direct them over to GAB, BitChute or some other video hosting site. You could always get a GAB account and post your uncensored videos and point youtubers over there to watch. As far as I know they don't censor anything except porn. Andrew Torba, founder of GAB, has had to get many attorneys over the years because he gets threats from other governments telling him to remove content. He posts all their correspondence, attorney letters, tells them to shove it and wins. He's fighting the same battle here in the US while fending off international threats to silence him. He has millions of followers on his website. I don't know about monetization but I know many people donate for causes they support. Something to think about.

  4. I'm using that phrase from now on "Corrupticut" I think what people forget to remember is that Sean Paul would not be going after any of these people relentlessly if all they would do is apologize and acknowledge what they did. So before anyone criticizes you for what you do they obviously lack integrity.

  5. Vital Records? Maybe ask them why your Birth Certificate is a bank note. Do a high-quality scan and look to see which bank owns it. Both my children BC's says Midwest Bank Note Company in the bottom left corner next to the raised seal. People who have tried to get an answer are refused an answer, thrown out, or arrested. I've never seen an explanation for this being on a BC.

  6. Have to comment Again I'm Pro nature especially when it comes to knocking down trees, As Tom McDonald sings we only need them to breath! Dam Phil leave them alone they take hundreds of years to grow in some cases!

  7. This passion to fight, as long as possible, against injustice at the hands of very same people who are supposed to uphold the rights & dignity of citizen is great to see. And now you have support from very nice ladies in this fight is greater to see. Wish you all get success finally in such demanding task.

  8. Sean if you want to make a big difference for Americans, you need to start researching the fact that the police and govt. Are registered as Private Corporation registered with Dun & Bradstreet registered in New York.

  9. Grin grin grin ………………… That one lade is still so rude. What do you need she says. But you sir are the winner. You should of also added a request of how many man hours and money this whole thing cost them and Phil.

  10. โ€œI need your phone number.โ€ ??? What legitimate reason could they possibly have to require your personal phone number? It is NOT required to own and pay for a phone. Do they plan on using that information to track your movements?


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