‘Insufferable’: Aussies to suffer Australia Day outbursts from the ‘perpetually outraged’

Sky News host Peta Credlin says Australians are going to have to suffer “outbursts” on Australia Day from the “perpetually outraged”.

“Whose grievance … is less about the day and more about their growing hatred of our country,” she said.

Ms Credlin says she will be “making the most” out of Australia Day on Friday to “celebrate this great country”.

“It’s insufferable, this year it seems to have reached fever pitch.”

The Sky News host was joined by former prime minister Tony Abbott to discuss the calls to change Australia Day.


47 thoughts on “‘Insufferable’: Aussies to suffer Australia Day outbursts from the ‘perpetually outraged’”

  1. As long as the next government does the exact opposite of what Labor and albosleazy have done since they wormed their way in, they will have support from true Aussies. Down with 2-party preferred coercion system. One Nation at least likes true Australians, while Labor and Liberal back everyone that isn't truly Australian

  2. I kind if miss the Howard days… I was only in highschool and didnt really know what was going on. But didn't realise how good we had it. God I'd even take Abbott again over our muppet government.

  3. Not sure I like you using the word “Pom” in such a disrespectful way. Most of the original occupants other than the indigenous people were from the U.K. You should be very proud of how you have built a wonderful country from poor beginnings.

  4. CEO of Woolworths: We're gonna celebrate Australia Day by removing any evidence in our stores of Australia Day, so we don't offend the Woke, and keep food prices inflated in a time when Australians are suffering a cost of living crisis, by paying suppliers less for their product and charging customers more for the same products. Happy Australia Day customers! Shop at Woolworthless!

  5. Is disgusting that people are complaining about Aussie day these so called first nation people have no idea what happened back in the first days convicts were chained and whipped on a ship thousands of miles from their land and families and made the best out of it never complaining or holding out their hands there is no truth telling as they make it up as they go and Australia tennis should be ashamed of themselves after tax payers bailed them out in the COVID times then they shun our Aussie day I will never change the day I celebrate couldn't careless what the useless gutless government does I never vote ever either as they never make good on anything to busy licking Chinese arses

  6. We are sitting with a problem in South Africa worse than yours. We gave South Africa to the "indigenous/ first citizens" under duress with a fully functional 1st World infrastructure and they have destroyed and plundered everything and the ruling party is only looking after themselves and their cadres. The poor are worse off than they have EVER been – only a handfull scored tremendously . The whole of Africa are basically "shitholes" and they are not mature enough to understand Democracy – as the Nigerian people call it "Afrocacy." Genocide against whites is openly preached at public gatherings by a politcal leader who is a crony of the ANC .The ANC of whom the majority are communists and wants to change the country to a total communist dictatorship, are cosying up to the Islamist Hamas terrorists whose main is "getting rid of unbelievers" by any savage means possible. They want total world domination under Shariah law. Slaughtering of Christian and non-muslim black people in Africa happens daily by groups like Al Shabaa . China is putting all their Uighir muslim people into indoctrination concentration camps but you do not hear an outcry from the Arab/Islamic world – strange?
    Stand strong Australia and do not give in to these thugs who wants to destroy your country with their" woke" and constantly playing the "guilt trip" card. Stop this crap in its tracks mates.

  7. When I heard the early news bulletin this morning distributed by the ABC on radio, I was surprised to hear the female newsreader saying: "Good Morning on Invasion Day". This shows again, that the ABC is nothing but a bunch of self inflicted socialists. It is time that the ABC becomes self-sufficient and no longer being financed by the Australian taxpayer. They have bad ratings, but they would not have any ratings and listeners at all if the Australian public would have to pay for the twaddle and incorrectness the ABC is dishing out. I am thankful that there is Sky News Australia, at least one gets an honest opinion. I mostly listen to overseas radio stations to get a second opinion of what is really happening around the world.

  8. To be pragmatic, the aboriginals were a stone age people, no capacity to make metal. Any society with less technology will always suffer from the more advanced peoples. If it wasn't the British, it would have been the dutch, the french, the spanish etc. etc. Heaven help us if the UFO's appear.

  9. We (the Majority) need to ignore the communists in our country and celebrate. And ignore them. Only WE can stop cancel culture. And boycott the corporations and companies that push it. Just like the American patriots did to Bud Light (Dylan Mulvany ad) and Target boycotts (Pride displays featuring tuck costumes for boys). We don’t want their crap.

    The Voice referendum showed where we, the majority, stand.

  10. ….these puppets & 🦜 parrots squawking the same o'l same o'l owning the righteous ones to the land that they too were 'shipped' out to this land from Africa..just like a good proportion of the planet..they (black fallars)have their bloody own TV channel..radio stations..power tools and paint to deface people that help make this country.so you can march down a street..winge & bitch..then go home to a comfy place away from famin wars-and live off the very govenment that YOU LOT KEEP BITCH'IN about and insulting fellow Australians and expect us to put up with all your bullshit EVERY time one day of the calander year comes around..and "THE VOICE "the voice..that really showed your true colour-from your so-called leaders to your men & women in the street..if ya all still oppressed..get together and give Michael Long a ring..go to a meeting place..and bloody'wel go for a good long 🚶‍♂️ 🚶‍♀️ walk and work ya next 100yrs..life's a bitch..and your part of it..deadly..a..❤

  11. Aboriginals comprise 3% of the population…Muslims comprise 3% of the population, should we institute Sharia law here as well???
    If the British didn't colonize "Terra Australis" then it would probably have been the French (no Westminster system, guilty until proven innocent), AND if No One had colonized "Terra Australis" then it would still be hundreds of isolated nomadic groups of Hunter/Gatherers with NO technologies.
    "Celebrate what's Great" Happy Australia Day…..26th Jan.

  12. Hey, Peta, I have to say your comments are spot on, and Tony Abbott totally understands the situation. AS for those Aboriginal's who are whiter than I am stop playing the victim. this world needs a role model so let's show them what unity is. AUSTRALIA DAY 26 Jan you don't know what you've got till it's gone

  13. Why didnt all of your murdering ancestors stay the fck in your own country 200 plus years ago then we wouldn't be marching…we never wanted u here in the first place we was happy before u came here…next year its only gnna get bigger with more support…

  14. Why do right wing Aussies victimize themselves when their own ancestors have committed genocide and property theft from the first nations. Australia belongs to the Aboriginal people the first nations.

  15. The talk about Woolworths not selling Australia Day Merchandise or Big Companies Dismissing Australia Day with the Minority
    What are the thoughts of Big W and K Mart as they are in partnership with the Supermarkets.
    I did not see any Advertising or Promotional Content for Australia Day.
    It wouldn’t matter what day Australia Day falls on as there will always be Controversy and Protests.
    Eventually True Australians will be precious and limited in Australia then the Country will be Own and Ruled by the Chinese Government.
    War does not achieve any good so the best way is for a takeover to buy land ports and businesses and eventually
    own everything in Australia.
    Foreign Investment to make Money in Australia from Australians then take back to their Own Country for Wealth and Investment.
    It’s amazing how much money is going back to China and other Countries from Money earned in Australia.
    So spending that money does not rejuvenate and grow Australian Businesses.
    I wonder if the Australian Government really know how much Money is Exchanged into Foreign Currency
    as the ATMs at Hurstville are always full after every weekend because of the Money being Deposit into Foreign Bank Accounts.
    It’s All Wrong.

  16. I’m a Pom. I came to live in Australia in 1981. I’m now an Australian citizen. I think Australia is one of the best countries in the world and I’m proud to be a Australian citizen. Leave Australia day alone!!!

  17. What would the whinging and moaning activists do if all the benefits of living in Australian mainstream society were taken away from them. So take Medicare from them and the right to vote and the right of citizenship and superannuation for they're all "mainstream society benefits" of living in Australia. If they don't like mainstream society then they can lose all the benefits of being in mainstream society. No more paid holiday leave or public holidays or sick leave and weekend leave loading.

  18. 🇦🇺
    The CORRECT reason Australia Day is celebrated:
    Australia Day does not celebrate the arrival of the first fleet or the invasion of anything. Captain Cook did not arrive in Australia on the 26th of January. The Landing of Captain Cook in Sydney happened on the 28th of April 1770 – not on the 26th of January. The First Fleet arrived in Botany Bay on the 18th of January.
    The 26th was chosen as Australia Day for a very different & very Important reason: this is the day All Australians received their independence from British Rule.
    Captain Cook didn't land on the 26th of January. So changing the date of any celebration of Captain Cook's landing would not have any impact on Australia Day, but maybe it would clear the way for the truth about Australia Day.
    Australians of today abhor what was done under British governance to the Aborigines the Irish and many other cultures around the world. So, after the horrors of WWII, we decided to try & fix it. We became our own people. On the 26th of January 1949, the Australian nationality came into existence when the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 was enacted. That was the day we were first called Australians and allowed to travel with Passports as Australians, not British subjects. In 1949, therefore, we all became Australian citizens under the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948. Before that special date, all people living in Australia, including Aborigines, were called 'British Subjects' and forced to travel on British Passports and fight in British wars. We all became Australians on the same day!
    This is why we celebrate Australia Day on the 26th of January! This was the day Australians became free to make our own decisions about which wars we would fight and how our citizens would be treated. It was the day we were all declared Australians. Until this date, Aborigines were not protected by law. For the first time since Cook's landing, this new Act gave Aboriginal Australians the full protection of Australian law.
    This is why the 26th of January is the day new Australians receive their citizenship. It is a day which celebrates the implementation of the Nationality and Citizenship Act of 1948 – the Act which gave freedom and protection to the first Australians and gives all Australians, old and new, the right to live under the protection of Australian Law, united as one nation.
    What was achieved that day is something for which all Australians can be proud!
    Isn't it time all Australians were taught the real reason we celebrate Australia Day on Jan 26th?


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