Instagrammable Travel & Sodium to the Rescue

Firing someone in South Africa is almost impossible, but have you tried getting rid of family? Ben and Gareth have a candid conversation about travel, the ideal travel companion, and people’s obsession with finding the ultimate Instagrammable travel moment!

Comedian, actor, and director Glen Biderman-Pam joins the show to have a casual chat with Gareth about some of the projects he has been involved in. George Mienie then joins to give us the latest motoring news that includes South Africans being outraged by an increase in bribes for driver’s licences!


10 thoughts on “Instagrammable Travel & Sodium to the Rescue”

  1. @Gareth you talk so much about other shows . let’s focus on getting all these horrible, childish kids off the morning live-stream. They are multiple people, hiding and f*cking around😂😭 I’m done, real names only on this adult channel, and any info on real names of Michael Fhister .. all women or trans😂women yeah .. He/She better disappear. I wanna know Imma talking to real ass adults, not 2 boys in heels 👠 👠🔥🔥🔥🔥

  2. The 💵💵💵💰💰💰 COST of vaping 👨‍✈️ 👨🏼‍🎤R150 for 2 DAYS,,, then finished disposable vape. Sometimes they last only until the next morning.

    They shame you at the vape store and say that it should last over a week. It’s a massive scam, targeting people with too much money lying around.
    You won’t find a vape for dust in the township ,, there they making brioches 🥯 and soup.
    Contraban Cigarettes, 20 for $1 ..

    People buy Vapes and cigarettes together, ask any vape Queen how long they been vaping,, not long I bet, eventually you figure out how stupid you are for flushing all those 💵💵💵 notes down the toilet on vape memorabilia 😂😂😂


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