Inside India's Vicious Cycle of Coal and Heat

India is stuck in a vicious cycle involving coal and heat. Continued reliance on the dirtiest fossil fuel means the world’s most populous nation is helping accelerate global warming. Rajesh Kumar Singh explains.

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37 thoughts on “Inside India's Vicious Cycle of Coal and Heat”

  1. What support can other countries give to help others along the way of development? When we weren’t as aware all the major cities used coal to industrialise fast too – so it doesn’t seem fair to say “hey india don’t use coal!” and give them no way out. Yet if we don’t do anything everyone suffers.

  2. Cheap fossil fuels are the foundation of modern civilization. Many countries are just now starting to spread the benefits of modern industrialization to their people. Fossil fuels are a fully globalized commodity which means that every bit extracted will get used somewhere by someone. And renewable energy systems require fossil fuels in their construction, distribution and installation.

    Global climate change is therefore an inevitability, and it would be wise to try to prepare for a world that is 2.5 to 3.5C warmer than today. Agreements, targets and environmental protests will, unfortunately, not change the trajectory of humanity in time to reduce this outcome significantly. Mass & momentum plus global development will combine into a perfect storm with a predictable outcome.

    Reality is a harsh mistress…

  3. Central India especially, Vidarbha is madness when its Summer, temperatures reach even 50°C in business zones but its never recorded or reported.

    Even worse is some cities like Gadchiroli, Gondia, etc which still provide the highest electricity generation yet face power cuts so that other regions are provided their electricity and thats why they get so aggresive with separate state desires.

    Imagine, having a dairy business and having 7-8 hours of powercuts year around ? How would a mediocre person suffice to that ?

    I guess, our governments state and central arent doesn't enough for solar energy moves. Its only a publicity stunt.

  4. Yeah, all these white people spewed out all the green house gases in the name of industrial revolution and now that their countries are well and developed, they want the poorer developing countries to find alternate sources. Try telling my father who is an auto rickshaw driver in south india to look for sustainable solutions when he struggles to feed our family. I think the real culprits are the countries who developed during the industrial revolution and they must put their own money in these under developed countries to help reduce pollution

  5. I agree that we should try to stop using coal all together
    But Western countries cannot blame India for climate change
    In the US each citizen uses 12,000 KWh each year
    While an average Indian only uses 900KWh
    While an average EU citizen uses 6,000KWh

    India not only has to control its pollution but we also at the same time have to lift our people from poverty and improve their lifestyle.

  6. Bhai turant Google pe search kijiye biggest carbon emitter 1. China 2.USA 😅 ……combine carbon emissions of western world would be greater than china and you are concerned about India's coal consumption 😢

  7. Same as here in Indonesia, the government said that they will stop to build coal power plant. But in last month there's a company build again the power plant because the stockholders itself are oligarchs

  8. Imagine that giant hole in the ground filled up with dirt, sand, construction rubble, ground up glass and turned in to the world's biggest termal battery fed by solar concentrators that are shading farmland

  9. It's a positive feedback cycle than cannot last forever. Eventually something is going to break and the current system will collapse. China uses far more coal than India, but India will be hurt much deeper and much more quickly when the heat increases to unbearable levels.

  10. India should invest in a greater number of nuclear power plants, solar on the roofs of every factory over a certain footprint, and invest in large scale hydrogen extraction as a replacement for NatGas.

  11. How folk treat their own real estate, is exactly what they have planned for all. They will only be more ruthless when it's anothers. I don't care how nice and polite they are about it. Say anything about it and be labeled a racist or some other BS name. So excuse me if I don't give a 💩about anyone engaging in this psycho behavior.

  12. Burn coal / CO2 level rises / Greenhouse gas traps heat / Temps rise / AC use increases / burn more coal… That's a positive feedback loop. Positive, in that all steps feed back in a loop to reinforce increases. The only way to break the feedback loop is to stop burning coal and use electricity or hydrogen from renewables. If India says it is too poor to do that, then eventually we will all die out from heat waves, not just the people of India.

  13. First Manmohan government and its ambitious 123 nuclear agreement with the US (Bush Jr.) could have replaced India’s coal dependence with green atomic power. However communist parties of India, the then crucial part of the UPA 1 govt, strategically opposed and killed this green initiative. Which in turn caused the current climate and energy crisis in India. Furthermore, the financial liability of this communist-created climate catastrophe and energy dependence pushed millions of humans to poverty and death.

  14. The world used to admire loves India’s spirituality peaceful Ghandi compassion for gentle animals and beasts spirituality, But the demand for doDemocracy fairness the people and animals. We are wise stewards not predators of The Creation. Evolve Higher Humane world. Zero tolerance predators or evil predatory capitalism evil oligarchy greed.


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