'Insane' Upward Lightning Strike Electrifies Kansas Night Sky

Credit: Taylor Vonfeldt via Storyful

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20 thoughts on “'Insane' Upward Lightning Strike Electrifies Kansas Night Sky”

  1. This is super rare. It's positive ground to cloud lightning. Generally positive charged lighting is cloud to ground, but it can be opposite as well. Or depending on the angle of the trajectory it may appear as though it's coming from the ground. However ene with that being said it is quite possible to have a positive charged G to C lightning. And when witnessed in real life and not on camera, it is indeed frightening. And incredibly LOUD and most lightning is cloud to ground and rarely actually hits the ground. So when it is a reverse strike, from ground up it is exponentially louder. Also, the difference between positive and negative charged lightning, is negative generally is like a static shock being released in little spurts. Positive charged, will tend to release all it's energy in one static shock. Making n awesomely wicked show. But it is incredibly dangerous and accounts for more deaths from lightning strikes around the world than it's counterpart.


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