Ingenious Albert Camus Quotes to help you STOP OVERTHINKING and LIVE FREELY (Life Philosophy Quotes)

What is the meaning of life? Can we enjoy life without overthinking and worrying? Albert Camus believed life is meaningless and that’s what makes it beautiful and worth living! In this video, you will find a collection of the best and greatest Albert Camus quotes that can help you learn more about his philosophy and insights into life.

Albert Camus (1913-1960) was a famous French philosopher and author who wrote about the absurd, death, rebellion, and the importance of freedom. He is best know for his most famous book “The Stranger. Camus was also famous for his other books “The Myth of Sisyphus”, and “The Plague”.

Camus’ philosophy was very similar to existentialism and he believed in individual freedom above all else. He was against totalitarian governments and the idea that there was only one way to live life: through religion or government control. One of his most known quotes – “there is but one truly serious philosophical problem and that is suicide.” – reflects his philosophy and the way he sees life.

Camus was born in Algeria in 1913, but he moved to France when he was 18 years old to study philosophy at the University of Algiers. He later studied in Paris and became involved with the French Resistance movement during World War II.

He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957 for his work L’Etranger (The Stranger), which has been translated into more than 50 languages worldwide. “The Stranger”, tells the story of a man who kills an Arab while driving recklessly through town. The man doesn’t feel any guilt or remorse about what he did—because he believes that there is no God and therefore no right or wrong. This makes him an existentialist hero, who lives without hope or fear in order to experience life fully.

Camus wrote several other books during his lifetime including La peste (The Plague), Le Mythe de Sisyphe (The Myth of Sisyphus), L’Etat de siege (The State of Siege), Les justes (The Just Assassins), Caligula ou le culte du dieu vivant (Caligula or The Madness of Power), Le premier homme (The First Man), Mort à crédit (Death on Credit)

As an absurdist philosopher, Camus believed that life is meaningless and this means that you can create your own perspective, and make the best of what your life is. Based on his philosophy, you can do what you want with your life because there is no certain reason for how your life should be. The true nature of the universe is randomness and freedom, which is the ultimate goal of life.

In this video, I’ve compiled the most famous, life-changing, and thought-provoking Albert Camus quotes about life, love, the meaning of the universe, happiness, government, and more. These deep quotes can change the way you see life and help you live freely without worrying and overthinking about the things that you should let go of.

I put a lot of work, effort, and energy into making this video. I hope you find these quotes helpful and enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making this video. Thank you for watching!


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