INFORMERS: Shadows of Shame | Insight Documentary | The Troubles

I went to bed mid edit of this video. I won’t do that again having dreamt of being recorded on a tape while captured, faces of certain individuals within this documentary there with me….
Going through this archive so deeply may be effecting me more than what I thought..
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23 thoughts on “INFORMERS: Shadows of Shame | Insight Documentary | The Troubles”

  1. God bless the informers, utter heroes who saved countless innocent lives. God bless the Det/14 Int/MI5/Special Branch and everyone else who worked to defeat the IRA. They should make a special medal for everyone who worked in this most dangerous of areas, they saved so many innocent people and Ireland's freedom.

  2. am trying to see what you have remastered and can only see that you have decided to put your own watermark on it as i have got this documentary in exactly the same format your full of it mate

  3. What terrible things to happen. People who rightly or wrongly took a stand and got played by their own and by people who took the moral high ground and didn't care who got burned. Knowing that they were innocent and knowing that they were done for.
    I lived in Spain/Gibraltar from 1990 till 94 and the bullet hole was still in the petrol pump where the SAS opened fire.
    When it comes to dirty tricks and smoke and mirrors my country invented it.
    The double standards are monumental. I'm under no illusions that the security services have/would use these tactics in the UK.
    What appalling behaviour

  4. So terrorist were taking out by terrorist. The families are upset. What about the innocent one they killed or played a part in killing. Boggles my mind. It's a falling world we live in because of sin.

  5. Always the thin line is this war whether republican or loyalist paramilitaries should be treated as armies or policed as criminals. Just depends who caught them, RUC or police they’d have been arrested and charged as a criminal, SAS they’d have been killed like in wartime

  6. Thank you for providing this resource! The more I learn about my Irish family, the more I want to know about Ireland, why my family left, and what happened after they were gone, and it's hard to find anything that isn't sanitized by being reported from today. Seeing more original material is a great help!

  7. Them poor people are still suffering today with the horrible memories they have since their loved ones were taken away and torched and murderd by the people who were meant to be looking after the catholic community’s all over the place but instead they killed a lot of innocent people and very young lads and girls totally sick people to kill someone just to protect the real informers not right at all!!

    Telling parents and family’s there loved ones are touts which they were not not not not not not not not not
    And never were informers,,

    Rest in peace in heaven to all the innocent people who’s lives were taken so tragically back then))

  8. Ireland sold its soul to the EU , now we have bigger problems to face than we did with the English. Migrants swamping our beautiful country heinous crime of rape assaults the list goes on ! This down to European Union we are now stuck with this ffs !


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