Inflation Is Starting To Decline, But Is It Enough To Make A Difference For Americans?

Attorney Allie Booker reports on inflation in America starting to decline. However, will it be enough to make a difference in the lives of Americans?
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30 thoughts on “Inflation Is Starting To Decline, But Is It Enough To Make A Difference For Americans?”

  1. The decline in inflation is not enough to make a substantive difference for Americans given that capitalism in its totality is unstable and is full of internal contradictions especially given the fact that as a system it crashes on average every 4 to 7 years in tandem with the State whose function is to alienate the masses from the civil functions of society. I would recommend interviewing Economics Professor Richard Wolff as well as reading his book: The Sickness is the System When Capitalism Fails to Save Us From Pandemics or Itself.

  2. Lower inflation does not mean prices have been lowered, it only means they are not rising as fast as they were. Grocery prices (apart from the always-volatile, supply and demand gasoline prices) are still going up at about 6-percent inflation rate which is high. COMPANIES ARE NOT CUTTING PRICES WHICH REMAIN AT ALL TIME HIGHS FROM EARLIER INFLATION DAMAGE. Coffee prices are not going up so fast but they have not gone down a cent. Same for sugar, bread, meats and just about everything. The only way prices will go down is with a recession and layoffs (a hard landing), but the Fed is artificially manipulating interest rates to avoid that and produce a soft landing. So if Biden wins and we do not return to our oil-based economy (the only other solution besides recession) we are stuck with high prices probably for the rest of our lives to pay for Biden's incompetence.

  3. You know the typical scenario allow illegal aliens to flow in by the thousands so they can work for next to slave wages and also start a war in the the Middle East thus this will increase revenue for Fortune 500 companies and multinational corporations and in turn this will help stimulate the economy while the whole subject of reparations for African-Americans will continue to be ignored

  4. No offense I find that hard to believe, they may say that the inflation is started to decline but the inflation is still high in other cities, & they might have tell you the inflation is started to decline just to might you complaining how high everything is so I been on a tight Budget & spend wisely which ai will still continue cause you can't believe everything this country tell you about our economy everything is still high in other cities & just continue to budget carefully.

  5. The only reason any inflation rates fell is because Biden and the Democrats need for the people to vote democrats. But, NO ONE will forget the rate increase as soon as he stepped into office as well as all of their broken promises!💯

  6. The reason it's dropping in my opinion is because of the 2024 upcoming election. This is nothing new, particularly with this administration.
    The truth of the matter is black people are waking up to their game.
    I can't be distracted , or navie! I know to much, and as long as they have open boarders, with no Reparations, and no black hate crime bill, I'm staying the course. These people play numbers everyday, once they get what they want, then it's another story. ✌️

  7. Inflation doesn't mean anything. Prices are still inflated. Just because inflation decreased doesn't mean prices do. That's the trick. Biden say inflation is down and people think that means prices coming down. They're not coming down.


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