Indie Game Review – The Hand of Glory
The hand of glory at the Whitby Museum:


18 thoughts on “Indie Game Review – The Hand of Glory”

  1. Another great review with fun jokes as always, AGG! I especially like your magical, semi-disappearing pineapple shirt at the end there, lol. It definitely cannot be an issue with compositing – no, no, an adventurer such as yourself must have a magical tunic of some sort lying around amongst your various other trinkets and treasures… with a tropical pineapple design, no less. Can't fool your fellow adventurers! 😄

    I like the visual style of this one! I have nothing more profound to write, and it's late, so I will just say I always like seeing quickie reviews of new indie adventures like this and hope the algorithm is pleased with this comment

  2. The useful things we learn from adventure games! I never leave home without a deflatable rubber ducky attached to a clamp in case I come across an electrified key on my train journey home.

  3. I've never played Phantasmagoria 2 but then again maybe I don't want to develop a "death fetish". Although shouting "Lazarus Bundy" or dressing like Stu in public might invite a death fetish…

  4. Ahahahaha I was wondering when you'd start adding Phantasmagoria 2 insider throwbacks again 🙂 Great video btw, once again you knocked it out of the park. I really like that you're showcasing indie games, this could be very well be your niche.

  5. Looks like a very interesting game, wow. Every background has a LOT going on in it, there's plenty to look at. A lot of love must've gone into just making everything look messy and lived-in.

    …whatever happened to your theme song, AGG? It helped you stand out so much! I miss it!


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