Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | REVIEW – Is It Worse Than Kingdom of The Crystal Skull?!

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | REVIEW – Is It Worse Than Kingdom of The Crystal Skull?!

Andy Signore Movie World Plus review of Harrison Ford’s last crusade as Indiana Jones.


43 thoughts on “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | REVIEW – Is It Worse Than Kingdom of The Crystal Skull?!”

  1. Well that's too bad about the 5th movie but to be honest I actually still liked the fourth movie anyways. Although it'll be fair it had been aged since I watched any of the original trilogy in their entireties. In fact the only movie of the original trilogy that I did ever watch was Temple of Doom which is the worst of the original trilogy. It wasn't until a little over 5 years ago anymore that I finally watched the first and third movies all the way through.

  2. I'm still disappointed that we never got to see Indys quest for the 4 infernal machine parts on the big screen. That game was a fairly big deal but we never got to see more of that side of the Jones universe.

  3. Crystal skulls was ridiculous but at least it kept me entertained throughout the movie, from what I hear this is a 2 hr snooze fest with 20 minutes of actual engaging film

  4. I think what you are beginning to notice is the industry's interest in "deconstructing the hero". This is why Indy, Luke Skywalker, and Dr. Strange seem disappointing now. Google the article "Deconstruction in Cinema: A Corrosive Poison Drip into Men's Heads".

  5. Honestly I don't get the hate it was a pretty dam good movie I really enjoyed it, I don't know what people are wanting these days, most comments from people I see on social media seem to be pretty positive but the YouTubers reviewing it all seem to be singing from the same sheet it's almost like you have to slate it to be in that club.

  6. I cam in with 0 expectations and left out satisfied. They gave Indy a nice and safe ending! Thank God, and I thought it was better than crystal skull, and GOD BLESS Harrison Ford. One of the last true Hollywood Stars

  7. Man this review is actually the mildest one I've heard so far. If people actually give Hollywood their money to see this movie in large numbers I give up on this country. I'm certainly not going to support yet another movie purposefully emasculating a beloved male character in the way those involved with this film already have in previous films just to advance their BS ideology. Anyone that can't see that is what this is pretty much deserves to be neutered like these old characters have. I can't believe Harrison Ford agreed to this after seeing what these same people did to Luke Skywalker and James Bond. Save your money and future generations for that matter by staying away from the box office. All he mentions is grumpy??? He sat back in the corner the whole time doing nothing getting lectured by a boss babe like a wimp.

  8. yep i mean i wanna be "hopeful" too but Disney sadly has gone on and destroyed all "hope" as far a recent movies are concerned – so it's not even worth going and spending a load of cash for something that "maybe" worth it…which i feel is how a LOT of other people feel too about it all and we'll just wait for it to popup on Disney+

  9. RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK 8/10 Great Adventure! 🕵️
    TEMPLE OF DOOM 10/10 Adventure, Horror, Romance, Comedy! 😆🔥♥️
    LAST CRUSADE 8/10 Great Father's Day Special! ✝️
    CRYSTAL SKULL 2/10 Terrible! Horrible! A waste of time! It can't get any worse! And furthermore, Oh ☹️ Oh 😔 Oh 😢 Never mind. 🤮 It just did. 😞

  10. There's nothing wrong with Crystal Skull. That stupid South Park episode just tainted everyone's view.

    The premise of this involving time travel is a total non-starter for me. I don't plan on ever watching Indy 5.

  11. Sounds like you expected a "copy/paste" of the traditions made by Spielberg in the previous films. It is not supposed to be. This is not a Spielberg film and is not even trying to be, which is fine. This is a completely different film where the theme is about 'time' and what time can do to one person. Those who are expecting another "Raiders" is going to be disappointed. As a long time fan of the franchise I will say I was pleasantly surprised. It's not a perfect film but it is a fun ride, as long as you go in with an open mind(I was nervous as f*ck before I went in the theatre). Indy has always been a bit grumpy but his grumpyness has gone way up in this film and there is a good reason for that. As much as i like the franchise I'm fine that this is the last film to be made. It is a fine swan song.

  12. Saw The Dial of Destiny yesterday.

    The first 25 minutes ware okay, it felt like an Indiana Jones movie.
    After that it was just a boring and bland adventure movie making the same mistakes as Kingdom of Crystal Skull (2008) did before it.

    Sadly 4/10 from me.

  13. It's way worse than Crystal Skull. Fleabag Horseface is far more annoying than Willie Scott. Even Harrison Ford can't save this rubbish. Evasive maneuvers. Avoid at all costs.

  14. I agree the deaging started to look like a video game even though it was cool at first but it's still awesome that that technology exists and is only getting better. Overall I liked it and I never hated Crystal Skull like people did lol each Indy movie is great because it occurs in a different time in history and this one just happened to be the most modern and therefore for a lot of people who miss the glory days the most depressing. I didn't like that he's almost living in squalor but aside from that and the length which I agree was a little excessive it wasn't any less plausible than any of the other iterations and I love the allusions to the previous ones with the students now being bored to death of him when in the first three they were madly in love and the ending almost made me cry.

  15. I don't think I've ever walked out of a movie so disappointed. Crystal Skull was the last Indiana Jones for me because I don't know what the hell this movie was.

  16. Andy, fun fact.. Back when you were still at Screen Junkies your Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Honest Trailer was actually my introduction to that channel, but that was a decade ago, lol. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on revisiting the film. While I can admit Skull has its issues, they still treated Harrison with more respect as the hero he is and was, he immediately is dealing with Russians, he's been involved with the CIA, rides a motorcycle through a library quipping, and most of all he doesn't despise his old adventure lifestyle/lifetime he's had. Him and Mutt discover the tomb's hidden door and Indy cracks a great big smile. That's the real him and the only life he knows how to live. Wish in Dial of Destiny they treated him more like Sean Connery's character.. An old man with still the burning passion for the discovery and artifacts, without having to do stunts he was still a better old man character. Disney for ya.

  17. I only watched Crystal Skulls once, and I watched Dial of Destiny 0 times. I didnt think Crystal Skulls was that bad, other than the Alien ending. I thought the End of Crystal Skulls was a great send off.

    Indy gets married to Marion. His friends cheer him on. The Door opens and the hat lands at Indy's son's feet. Just as Mutt was about to put it on, Indy grabs it and smirks.. as to say "Not yet kid"

    then you fast forward to this movie, and Indy is a broken man? Marriage broken, what happens to his son….etc. I am tired of Disney ruining happy endings.

  18. The people supporting Fatty Signore are most likely unfaithful or have been. Bunch of hypocrites wasting our resources for things that wouldn't be missed should they suddenly disappear.

  19. Kingdom of the crystalskull is loads better than Dial of destiny and i hope people realize that 4 isnt perfect but still fun good movie and has the magic that 5 doesnt


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