Indiana Jones And The Destruction Of Legacy

Its finally here, and its just as terrible as we expected. Join me for my full review of Indiana Jones and the Dial Of Destiny.


38 thoughts on “Indiana Jones And The Destruction Of Legacy”

  1. I love your videos but when you use the Saviours name as an cuss it is cringe. I understand it is normal to be crude and offensive, even mock those who venerate the Saviour, which I am expecting, but does not change how offensive it is to abuse the name of a person we worship.

  2. basically all writers of movies last 25 years suck so this kind of criticism could easily apply to almost every movie written in the 21st century. Thats why I only watch "oldies" even porn ones😁

  3. Oh, for goodness sake, it is not such a bad movie. Not up to the originals, but not nearly as bad as the angst ridden commentary here. There are much more important things to get worked up about.

  4. They told you, the future was going to be female. Which means, they have to destroy everything that is masculine first…

    This is what stunning and brave looks like.

  5. What made KK (wont type her whole name and curse myself) be so feminist? Did she get ass raped by a bunch of drunk sailors at the age of 8 like the rest of us?

  6. I start to believe that KK desperately wanted to sleep with Harrison Ford back in the days but he refused her, so she had it in for him ever since, and now she is exacting revenge by turning every one of Ford's famous characters into pathetic loosers.

  7. I'll never see this on principle but the most common online word I'm hearing for Helena Shaw is "Insufferable." and curious thing I've noticed: Kathleen may have wedding ring on her finger but has anyone else thought she's definitely tipped her hand regarding her having a "type of girl"? Specifically Brunette and English. I think those ladies push a very specific "button" for Kathy. Think on it: The SW sequels, Brunette and English. Solo, Brunette and English. And now Indy 5, Brunette and English. I think this goes beyond admiration for kathleen.

  8. I actually watched the movie—-stay to the end hoping this filthy wench would get violently murdered that would had given me sense of closure. Instead….. I have contacted my physician to see if I can get brain surgery to cut out the neurons in my brains in which the memory of this movie is stored. If not I would settle for a a lobotomy.

  9. I dont understand people like you, the movie's a beautifully made finale to the franchise. Fucking time travel makes more sense then the aliens, KOTCS is garbage and the worst indy film by far. This was head and shoulders a much better film

  10. Disney nurtured indy. Made in a shell of an old man. It’s an Indy movie. We want him taking charge kicking ass. No. He’s playing second fiddle to a woman. Shame shame shame

  11. Your review is 100% on. Was hard to get through. Disney ruined Luke skywalker. Now did it to Indy. What a shame. Low the original 3. Watch every time they’re on

  12. Kathleen Kennedy has basically swapped all male characters with – Kathleen Kennedy doubles
    all the same sex, race, boring basic personality.
    she just wants to see herself as the star of these movies.

  13. How do you create a multi-million dollar Hollywood franchise? Give Kathleen Kennedy a multi-billion dollar Hollywood franchise!

  14. The central theme of man getting old, weak and depressed is totally opposite to the reality. It's the woman who become more miserable and more depressed as they age. This is common psychological knowledge not even a revelation.


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