Indiana Jones 5: Can We Stop Please?

The fifth instalment of Indiana Jones is here and…whoo boy…it’s a doozy. Indiana Jones 5: The Dial of Destiny is just one more example of how creatively bankrupt and Lucasfilm and Disney are.

Indiana Jones 5 features Harrison Ford and Phoebe Waller Bridge as his aggravating and patronizing goddaughter who is out to show the older generation of adventurers how its done.

Join me as I discuss the new trailer that just dropped and why this movie is going to be another entry in Disney and Lucasfilm’s long list of cinematic failures. The only good thing is that this was the last property that they had left to ruin.

We can only hope that things go up from here.


35 thoughts on “Indiana Jones 5: Can We Stop Please?”

  1. One last comment: it’s very interesting to me that this movie takes shots at capitalism when it’s supposed to be set in the 60’s and fear of communism, an ideal that has its roots in theft was at an all time high, would not be the most prominent ideology mentioned in this film. American patriotism would have been at an all time high here, so why is capitalism being dumped on when communism isn’t?

  2. How many more of my childhood heroes are Hollywood and the now geriatric actors of the 80s going to betray. Sadly, we live in a time where politically motivated studios and one-time super-stars are putting out woke minded garbage. Thanks Harrison, it wasn't good enough for you to turn Hans Solo into a loser, but now you had to take a dump on Indiana Jones, too.

    And please, before anyone says it wasn't Harrison'Ford's fault, I say it certainly was. They couldn't have made this pile of festering poo without him, and he had to have read the script before production started, and he still did it. He allowed them to turn him and his character into a bumbling loser, unable to perform without the help of a strong feminist. Nice job, buddy.

    Did Grandpa tell his grand kids, "No honey, I was only played a worn out old loser, I'm not actually one in real life. Lol.

    Now, take your paycheck home and stop making movies. And for God's sake, please stay away from America Graffiti.

  3. In an attempt to be feminist they end up ageist. They went to the best schools and they can't see it. Lack of intelligence and no creativity.

  4. Yeah, I think it’s still malice from Lucasfilm … but I think movie 4 is the problem. They tried to appeal to modern audiences with β€žmodernβ€œ action and failed. And they don’t understand why. And Simse then, they are the one eyed in a kingdom of blind …

  5. I love the way you appreciate The Last Crusade. Such an excellent movie and pretty high up the "best of all times" list. And I'm not even the biggest Indiana Jones or Harrison Ford fan.

  6. Things will only get worse. Actors selling their likeness for millions so that franchises can continue long after they are dead. Classic movies being remade to appease modern diversity requirements. Pursuant propaganda to convince us that all of our childhood movie heroes were actually huge racists. Cats and dogs living together

  7. I view Ford's decision to take part in this film, a bit like the scene, in Last Crusade, where he has the chance to reach for the holy grail. If he does, it is suicide, so his father talks him out of it. Alas, where was that voice of reason here Harrison? You grabbed for the grail and now will descend into the abyss.

  8. Really glad I came across this channel. Happily subscribed! You are so right but it seems you're not allowed to make sense anymore with these mediocre Hollywood hacks. If you think that…previous film was bad…you ain't seen nothin' yet!

    And from the trailers, it seems they may be making, yet again, a huge criticism I had of…the previous film: too many sidekicks! It relegated Indy into a supporting character once again because you have to take up more film for each person at his expense. Last Crusade was The End, this I may watch for free sometime, somewhere, somehow.

  9. Is going to be a sh*tshow, and Phoebe Waller Bridge has a very punchable face IMHO.
    I guess Harrison Ford was forced by contract obligation to endure this humiliation…

  10. Great video, fully agree with you about this monstrosity of a movie.

    Really like how you express your comments and critics without being gross or noisy. πŸ‘

  11. As a huge Indiana Jones fan, it was my childhood, i will be skipping this one. Learned my lesson with the new star wars trilogy. When I want my Indy fix ill pull from 1-3

  12. Really great analysis of this film and the general state of mainstream modern films. The only way I saw this film working, was with Indy recounting a previous adventure. In the way of flashbacks, showing his younger self. The older Indy has to finish the quest/story. Instead we got this pile of rubbish.

  13. Can't wait to see this!!! Most people have no clue about movies and make silly videos like this.. also rotten tomatoes have the worst record of reviewing movies nowadays

  14. Oh no, they won't scratch their heads, they know exactly what they're doing, and when it does flop, they'll blame white heterosexual men for not going to see it… and then they will move on to the next beloved story and character to completely gut and remold into whatever flavor of "woke" social justice is in the spotlight at the time. And never blink an eye while doing it.

  15. The Last Crusade is my favourite too, I quote it all time when, we the family go out… 'follow me I know the way' 🀣 love it… πŸ‘πŸ»

  16. was planning to go watch this at the cinema but after all these "Great" reviews I think I will leave it until it appears on streaming. At least I can turn it off and watch something else without feeling like I wasted money if needs be. I really hope I like it but from the feedback it looks bad.

  17. I'm disappointed by the deepfake Shamook did a far better job in "Book of Bobba Fett" to remake Luke Skywalker and and i think the plot will be disappointing, the joke about capitalism is pathetic.

  18. Thank you for an objective approach and not succumbing to the current mantra we hear being echoed by the Uniparty and their workhorse, the media. I love your comparison to the movie Maverick. I wasn't a fan of the 1986 Top Gun, even when it came out (loved the soundtrack, though); however, the directors and scriptwriters honored the legacy, much the same way the third season of Picard did for TNG. Disney has an agenda and, like the Uniparty, they are not listening to their constituents.


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