Incredible Discoveries Made Underwater

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31 thoughts on “Incredible Discoveries Made Underwater”

  1. G…pre flood civilization…but there is no civilization more then 6 thousand year academics keep saying afraid their degrees and textbooks are wrong and they have to start from zero! Who would think people from 1800 1900’s were wrong about things they were so smart back then! 🤦‍♂🇨🇦

  2. 6:26 you said Paul Allen likes to spend his time…. He died in 2018, please have a little respect for the man !! He found many historical wrecks, including the CV Hornet and Lexington, the Indianapolis, Shimakaze and many others. They also didn't salvage anything and treated with proper respect as war graves

  3. FUN FACT: One of my aunts was married to an engineer at Morton-Thiokol in Orlando. The company that made the o-ring that failed on the Challenger. Later that day I went to see my first punk show; Black Flag with Gone and Painted Willie. The day definitely had its highs and lows.


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