Increase in Defence spending will see an ‘acceleration’ in acquiring surface combatants

Defence Minister Richard Marles says the increase in Defence spending will see an “acceleration” in acquiring surface combatants.

The Royal Australian Navy, after the completion of the additional vessels, will hold three Hobart class air warfare destroyers, six Hunter class frigates (reduced from nine), 11 new ‘off-the-shelf design’ general purpose frigates and six new large optionally crewed surface vessels to boost the long-range strike capacity, which also have autonomous capabilities.

“Last Tuesday the government announced its plan for the future Royal Australian Navy surface fleet which will see an increase in the number of our surface combatants from 11 to 26, giving us the most capable Navy in the country’s history,” he said during Question Time on Monday.

“But the most important point is that this is a plan which is paid for.

“With an $11.1 billion increase in defence spending to fully fund the $54 billion it will take to make this happen.”


11 thoughts on “Increase in Defence spending will see an ‘acceleration’ in acquiring surface combatants”

  1. Throw all the money at the ADF you like but it still won't avoid rhe coming Ukraine like catastrophes. Once the traditional Family goes so does the the gene pool for suitable patriotic smart recruits.


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