in The News and The Book of Genesis Chapter 7 Part 1

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Pastor Mark brings us In The News and we continue our journey in Genesis!


4 thoughts on “in The News and The Book of Genesis Chapter 7 Part 1”

  1. I live near a small town in Ohio where they just opened an LGBTQ+ and allies center. They have a website on Facebook and our local newspaper ran an article about it. This is so grievous. All comments on their Facebook article were positive and supportive. I prayed and ask God whether I should comment. He led me to share His words. I shared from Romans 1 and Revelation. Come, Jesus, come quickly.😢

  2. Dag Nabit, PASTOR MARK, I am too old for these cliff hangers. I show up every Wednesday because I am honored to receive the beautiful blessings of God through your teaching, but why do you have to do this thing. Making me wait, this time another 2 whole weeks before learning more. I love you with all my heart, but your cliff hangers are giving this old lady a fit. Now I have to do all I can to be safe and healthy to ensure I make it to your next teaching. God bless all here who hear and even those who don't.


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