In The 1800s Farmers In North America Found An ANCIENT Race Of PYGMIES | Where Did The Bones Go?

The little people of America! Where is the Pedro Mummy?

Strange Mysteries
Monster Sightings
Alien Sightings
Ghost Sightings




40 thoughts on “In The 1800s Farmers In North America Found An ANCIENT Race Of PYGMIES | Where Did The Bones Go?”

  1. I don’t know if this story is true, long time ago in a mexican city there where a couple of very little people ( around a foot tall)in a cage in a zoo. Some children trow rocks at them and they die.😢 Not sure if this was a true story.

  2. I love the stories of the Little People..but not all of em are so nice!!
    I live right on the Ohio River,West Virginia side..and I think the Puckwegies are all along the riverbanks 🤨

  3. That’s one of those small evil creatures.. let me tell you something man.. most of the myths and stories we’ve heard our whole life about these unbelievable creatures and hybrid beings are true. And there are many organizations within the government that don’t want the general public to know about this or the main stream scientific community, this sounds crazy but once you start getting deep into this stuff and truly researching it like you do, you realize that most of these creatures do in fact exist

  4. Your info about Pedro is way off about his whereabouts, it's well documented he sold it to two mystery men and it's never been seen again, his words (the owner). And that's literally reported everywhere to do with the story.

  5. I use to talk to this girl that once told me she use to work as a house keeper and one day she cleaned this old bank. She said she saw this little person about 1ft tall and looked like an old man. She said he ran so fast, it scared her so much she never went back.

  6. It looks like a shrunken head with a small body attached. This could be a deformed baby. Looks like a baby with microcephaly or a brain on the outside of its skull. Some baby’s are born with full sets of teeth.


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