In Praise of Shadows Poopy-Pants Video Essay | Reviewing DemonMama's Journalism Take | and more!


We gonna talk about the new WORST VIDEO ESSAY EVAR tm starring wish-brand Noah Samsen, @InPraiseofShadows. We’ll also be reacting to a @DemonMama video on whether or not you should talk to journalists.

#leftist #react #criticism #commentary #politics #jounalist #videoessay #horror #appalachia

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Slug Animations by Allan Grant @abfg616

0:00 Scuffed Scuffed Scuffed

11:10 Stream Start

23:50 IPS has IBS(Infernal Baby Syndrome) Over Wendigoon

1:49:00 Classism in the Left and Hidden Racism

2:27:06 Back from Break

2:29:55 Demonmama and DIY HRT Coverage

3:57:57 Conclusions from the video, chatting with chat about hormones

4:40:17 Vibing to Outro


33 thoughts on “In Praise of Shadows Poopy-Pants Video Essay | Reviewing DemonMama's Journalism Take | and more!”

  1. Wendigoon isn't bad. I've enjoyed several of his videos which is already better then my experience of In Praise of Shadows' content. In Praise of Shadows just waffles around and Tyler is correct that so much time could have been saved by him just plugging his patreon and ending the video there XD

  2. In praise of shadows is a much cooler name than that goober deserves.

    Very james somerton approach to understanding movies.

    Wendigoon is great. He is generally quite even tempered about horror.

  3. if Shadows did look like that, I legit thought Noah Samson took over his channel suddenly.

    Edit: he deleted the video…talk about an L

    Unrelated talk: I remember watching behind the scenes for movies like Transformers and the fast and furious franchise. Watching these people make the film that to most lefties would be considered soulless cash grabs. Make me much more appreciative of how art is made. How the behind the scenes of most movies that to most people are bad. Make it more interesting.

  4. Tbf about the mask at the protest
    Even before that no one gave the benefit of the doubt
    People have and will always try to fake bad actors
    We saw it with fake Google employees in the 00s
    But we saw them correctly ID Zionist that snuck into the protest and the Zionist would yell “death to all Jews” and they would let get arrested so they know despite the masks.
    I get where you’re coming from but America is Petty AF

  5. I gotta disagree you on the Abigail take, Tyler. Movies like Trains Planes and Automobiles and The Exorcist don't have twists that can be spoiled by a trailer. If the movie is relying on you not knowing the twist ahead of time in order to be surprised then making it the center of the marketing is a bullshit move. Just showing the basic premise of the film isn't the same as spoiling it.

    Maybe Abigail is a pretty shitty hill to die on but there are definitely some pretty great movies that just wouldn't be as good the first time if you walked in already knowing the twist.

    Would also like to add that Jack Nicholson wasn't the dentist in Little Shop of Horrors, he was the masochistic patient whose role was played by Bill Murray in the 1986 version. Incidentally, I actually starred in the stage version of Little Shop of Horrors which was a lot of fun.

  6. I can understand not wanting to talk to the press in some situations, I have my own bad experience with a manipulative bad-faith "journalist", but for an entire protest group to refuse to talk to the press at all is wild to me. Seems like it completely undermines the point of the protest.

  7. god i remember clicking on that Shadows video expecting something funny. I only listened to about 50 minutes and I spaced out several times. And each time I came back he was rambling about some different topic that is in no way connected to any of the previous ones.
    Some fucking horror con -> capitalism ruins art -> dude is reading his youtube comments

  8. Shadows writes and talks like Jughead from Riverdale and it's incredibly pretentious. I liked his three videos on witches in media. But he did a video on a woman in his hometown that was ostracised (kinda) and went on a massive preamble saying how shit his town is and how racist it is and how much better he is than them. Idk kind of soured me on him and I haven't watched much beyond that.

    And yeah, his voice is Chills level grating.

  9. I have a big gripe with how people gatekeep what should be considered "art". Everything has to be a masterpiece and nothing can be imperfect or ugly or just for a quick buck. It's back door classism

  10. The IPoS video is wild because he spends an hour talking about Kevin Spacey and addresses some criticism with a video from a while ago. Maybe it tied together, I wouldn't know because I fell asleep. Also, assuming everyone from Appalachia is racist is insane.

  11. The art/money bullshit is an easy way to discriminate between people who like art and people who like to look like they like art. Yeah, there is plenty of good art that doesn't make money, but part of art is getting an audience reaction. And artists need to pay rent. This doesn't apply to anyone who isn't old enough to pay their own rent.

    Also, dumb shit, but don't shake hands with someone who's wearing gloves and tells you not to. You don't want whatever they're using on you. Otherwise, shake their hand, be polite, be curious. If they're a creep, that's on them, not their job

  12. I saw that Shadows video in my recommended and decided to avoid it on the grounds of it looked like Fucking Brainrot™️, glad my instincts were on the money. Always nice to see a lame get walked down tho, 'preciate you Tyler.

  13. Wes Craven literally stated that his idea behind the Hills Have Eyes is to show that even the most middle class, civilized people will go bat guano insane and become a violent maniac given the right conditions.

  14. Has Tyler said his part on how protests should talk to the media before? Because this stream is from yesterday but I swear I've heard that in a clip like last week or something.

  15. This whole art and money thing gets too muddled. Yes, anybody should be able to make whatever kind of art they want. The problem behind, but never properly expressed, is that studios/corporations shouldnt be the gatekeepers and taste makers of what art is because it inevitably veers towards commerce or was only intended to move product from its very inception.

    Before anybody starts thinking i sniff my own farts from a chapmagne glass, I effing love all of it. Corman, Troma, gimme gimme gimme.

    But thats the point im trying to make. The argument isnt about money, its about being able to make what you want away from moneyed interests telling you what to do when you try to make art.

    Corman and Kaufmann did everything outside of the studio system. Sis they need to make a buck, did they want to? Yes, they literally needed to to keep their independent studios going.

    Blumhouse films fall on the corporate side now because they're just pumping stuff out to make a buck and its clear that they dont care about the quality. Heres a movie aboit a haunted swimming pool, and heres another about a haunted teddy bear. There will be no gore and no deaths, because we need to sanitize our movies to corner the teen market.

  16. Yeah, I mean, The Dead Don't Die is just a joke on the genre of zombie films and there are no serious characters in the film. The Buscemi character is presented as the filmmaker making fun of him and is not taken seriously.

    The whole movie slowly becomes bonkers as the zombie threat grows and everything unravels. Its great.

  17. The sad thing is I’ve liked some of shadow’s videos. But that video was so bad lol. I think his issue with the con was that he was implying they blew their whole budget on getting Kevin spacey, and worried that would be his way back into relevance. But I only watched like half the video, he went on this long monologue about how no body understood his hills have eyes video, which if even your own fans are telling you that your off the mark, yeah it sucks he got a lot of harassment, but also, maybe it’s on you if you didn’t explain your point well. I didn’t even get to the windigoon stuff that everyone is mad about lol

  18. Disney had a racism quotient to meet I guess. Kinda reminds me of reading Gone with the Wind; Okay guys I know things have been pretty racist up to this point but we need to dead stop the story here and step up our game, like we gonna hit literally defending the KKK levels of racism here and we're just going we're just keeping riding that very much above ground railroad from here on, it's gonna be fuckin sick

  19. I'm from Central Massachusetts, and all of my neighbors except the people who lived across from me were all racists. My mother is racist (which is bonkers to me and my entire family), and I currently live in Florida. It's insane to assume everyone around me is racist. Some are open, and most are not.


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