In Love With Trackers – My Experiences And Thoughts On Amiga Trackers & Also Polyend

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27 thoughts on “In Love With Trackers – My Experiences And Thoughts On Amiga Trackers & Also Polyend”

  1. Loved trackers on my Amiga, always played with them, all through my Amiga ownership, had hundreds and hundreds of samples collected/created. I could never write music though, so nothing useful was ever produced, but MED/Octamed became my favourites. Wish I had spent more time trying to learn music, might have been able to play some of my keyboards back then too!

  2. I spent most of my teenage years with an Amiga 1200 and Octamed Soundstudio. The ability to not only have more than 8 tracks of audio but proper stereo panning and 14 bit sound was revolutionary for me. Fast forward some 25 years later and I'm making tunes in Ableton. I guess some things stay the same.

  3. Well you can romanticise over the Amiga's trackers but at the end of the day Impulse tracker and a gravis ultrasound is just the same.. and better. RAD tracker and Adlib tracker can do things from God far beyond anything mentioned here. You should try those out if you have a legit ym3812.

  4. Whatever happened to the SIDbox? Is it still available / developed? I saw it in the past but had no money to spare, but now I have the money but it seems to be unavailable, ARRRHHHHGHGHGH. I hope it's still alive.

  5. The thing I love about using samples on the Amiga is that you can chop them up, reverse them and create you own sounds really easily.

    The AHX Tracker is similar to Sound Tracker on the ZX Spectrum for the 128K AY sound chip.

  6. 20:05 , I see what You are trying to say about multitracking. We in the Netherlands have this saying "in eenvoud toont zich de meester" translated it say's "in the limitation the master shows itself", I dont know thats a saying in Your place, but if I try to think about a synonym I would say, "Less is More"

  7. I think one of the great things about Amiga trackers are how completely keyboard-driven they are and they're "distraction-free" tools before anyone coined that term. No other apps suddenly take keyboard focus away while you're working (unless you have to swap a floppy).

  8. I did a HCI unit at Uni! And I'm sure modern flat design goes against half of the stuff in it! You can't tell what's clickable any more just by looking at it. Anything that requires investigation rather than knowing at a glance is a step back in design.

  9. I started on Soundtracker around 1989, then Noisetracker, then Octamed (the best if you have MIDI hardware)… My first vinyl release (1992) was made on Noisetracker. Sadly lost all my Amiga music disks (about 10 years worth) in a house move…

  10. 🙂 I have been using Renoise for many years. But in the last month I cannot say exactly what happened, but I decided to pull out a complete A1200 that was stored away and decided now is the time to get the rest of my stuff out. I have found my sound enhancer, sound sampler, midi interface, tt303 and roland tr8. I have more stuff to find yet but the point is I want to get back into sampling, like I used to back back in 1989 to 1997. I miss getting the best out of the restricted hardware.

  11. Some thoughts:
    – I really enjoyed hearing more about your history with trackers. My first tracker was Impulse Tracker on the PC. I didn't have a history with commodore or amiga, and it absolutely blew my mind when many years later I learned that the drum and bass producers of the 90s were working on octamed.
    – I think you are spot on about how the tools and instruments used to make art significantly change the art itself. I think its very naive of people to only chase the latest technology and hold it up as inherently better for making music.
    – I love the Polyend Tracker too! Sadly, I've also been experiencing the freezes on 1.7. I would love if the samples could be stereo, and if i could sample in and edit samples without stopping playback.

  12. i'm a tracker muscian science the mid 90s aswell… all trackers have a special attraction to me in relation of computerscience aswell 🙂 specially soundtracker/protracker/ahx etc.

  13. I totally agree; Much of the art is in the tools used. There's something wonderful about working with (for example) Pro Tracker, about booting an Amiga, about the whole composition process. Great music can be created in any tool (or using any synth) but certain tools or synths can put us in this wonderful space that's just so conducive to being creative. Great video.

  14. Hiya Maddi ☺️ What a great video this was and l am like the 10 year old versions of you at the moment. Trackers fascinate me on their usage and how they work but l would be clueless on how to use them but the desire is there and it has been for a while.

    It amazed me when you mentioned the comment you received of your “perceived preference” of using one tracker because of the guys pixelated face on the screen! Well, l spat my coffee out laughing at that one but ultimately, how sad a comment that was to make.

    Also the passively and yet ever so slightly aggressive comments over why you would choose how you make your music over much newer ways. I think the proof was there with the PC vs Amiga track.

    They did sound totally different, absolutely, to the point where the PC version sounded so soul-less and stunted. The Amiga version had passion, soul and just felt more vibrant.

    And for me that’s the key to it all. What l know about music from a technical stand point is limited but what l get from it emotionally and listening to the intricate workings of a track for me is everything.

    This makes your music so enjoyable as l know it was crafted with passion and skill using multiple techniques that blend together so exquisitely.

    Anyways, awesome upload Maddi and all the best to you, Rich, Mr Neelix and everyone there ☺️


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